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     11 合吧工业大学博士学位论文
The quality of products is an important flag to symbolize the developing level of the productivity, the technology and the economics in a country. With the advancement of the society and the development of science and technology, the requirements to the manufacturing quality of products become higher and higher. Therefore, based on the key project 慠esearch on Some Basic Problems on Quality Control and Source Tracing in Modern Manufacture?(No.59735120) sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation, a deep research is made in this dissertation its branch subject?the theory and technology of zero-waste control.The main work and achievements are as follows:
    1. On the basis of the introduction of common quality control methods, some key problems about statistical quality control are elaborately discussed; a method to decide the quality control line is developed; a mathematical model based on the sampling plan of multi-variation of product quality is set up; the process manufacturing condition of quality control chart is discriminated using the theory of fuzzy diagnosis.
    2. The dynamic time-variant characteristics of manufacturing errors and measuring errors of mechanical manufacturing system are analyzed; the mathematical model of the distribution of measured dimension of the work-pieces is established. Moreover, on the basis of analyzing the dynamic time-variant characteristics of manufacturing errors and measuring errors and the influence of the measurement to the dimensional
    distribution of the work-pieces, a dynamic model ?shedlike model for the first time is initiated of the manufacturing dimension distribution of the work-pieces.
    3. The limitation is analyzed of 30-criterion in traditional statistical quality control, the concept of 6 a criterion in modern quality control is introduced, and the definitions are developed of more comprehensive manufacturing ability and manufacturing ability index. Furthermore, according to the dynamic time-variant characteristics of manufacturing errors, a concept of dynamic manufacturing ability index is initiated for the first time. And on this basis, according to the principles of mathematical statistics and quality control, The relations between the dynamic-error distribution of some different manufacturing dimensions and corresponding manufacturing quality are individually analyzed, the relevant mathematical model is set up, and a critical value criterion for waste appearance is advanced.
    4. Taking example for dimension accuracy, and applying modem mathematical methods such as time series analysis, grey system theory and artificial neural network theory, the mathematical models of dynamic loss of manufacturing accuracy are established. The comparison of the accuracy of each model is made by illustrations.
    5. Based on the dynamic time-variant characteristics of manufacturing errors and measuring errors, the requirement is given of manufacturing ability and measuring ability in order to realize the zero-waste manufacturing. According to product quality requirements and tolerance regulations, a model of the theory of unit manufacturing quality control is obtained.
    6. The relation between the dimensional reference of manufacturing process and the percent of pass of the work-pieces is analyzed. Regarding to manufacturing costs and efficiency, an optimized model of process dimension reference is given.
    7. Applying two kinds of quality diagnosis theories, the quality control principle of multi-process manufacturing of the work-piece is analyzed. A new concept for an equivalent loss of machining accuracy of multi-
    position producing system is firstly proposed and an equivalent loss model of machining accuracy of multi-position producing system is set up.
    8. Taking precise plungers of oil pump mouth and bearings produced in a large scale as the objects, practical application and verification of above theoretically research results were made.
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