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2001年,ISO的运动图像专家组(MPEG)和ITU/VCEG成立了联合视频组(JVT)共同发展和研究H.26L标准,并将研究草案纳入ITU-T视频技术建议H.264和ISO/MPEG组织制定的MPEG-4标准的Part 10(即AVC)中。H.264/AVC作为新一代视频编码算法吸收了以往编码方案的优点,在视频压缩性能和网络接口友好性上得到了很大的提高,但是这些优点都是以引入复杂度为前提的。分析H.264编码器的结构可知,其高复杂度的计算量主要来源于两个方面,一是帧间编码的1/4像素精度运动搜索,多种可变大小的块模式及多参考帧的运动估计;二是帧内编码的多种预测模式。如何快速的实现编、解码成了H.264目前急需解决的问题。
     针对H.264编码的复杂性,人们提出了很多并行优化的方法。一种是基于指令级的并行(ILP),例如很多DSP平台提供的单指令多数据流(SIMD)指令;另一种是基于线程级的并行(TLP),这种方法需要和多核技术相互配合来实现。试验证明,单纯使用任何一种方法都不能实现编码的最大并行化。考虑到X264本身已经实现了X86平台下的指令级并行,因此本文使用X264编码器作为研究对象,并在其SIMD指令级并行优化的基础上进行线程级并行优化,配合Intel的双核处理器平台,在Linux Fedora Core 5操作系统下获得了较高的编码加速比提升。
In 2001, the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) of ISO and the Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) of JVT developed the H.26L standard together. The latest video coding standard significantly improves in both the coding efficiency and network adaption. In order to achieve the best coding efficiency, the H.264 encoder introduces a lot of complexity. Analyzing the structure of H.264 encoder, it is clear that the complexity is derived from two aspects, one is the inter prediction technology, including the multiple reference frames, the other one is the intra prediction technology. How to encode the H.264 stream more quickly is one of the most important things for now.
     In order to avoid the worse power consumption, almost all CPU architectures are on their ways toward Multi-Core technology, compared with the single core CPUs, Multi-Core CPUs can provide more powerful computing ablilty and real parallel processing.
     There are mainly two parallel methods to optimize the H.264 encoder, one of which is Instruction Level Parallelism(ILP), we can see it on many DSP platforms, the other one is Thread Level Parallelism(TLP), this method must cooperate with the Multi-Core technology. This thesis optimizes the H.264 encoder using both methods, and got much speedup improvement under Linux Fedora Core 5 operating system on Intel Dual-Core platform.
     X264 encoder uses“Fork-Join”model for its parallel algorithm, but this model is costly especially in low resolution encoding. In order to avoid this penalty, this thesis introduces a new model—“Adaptive Threading Pool”model.
     For the non-real-time applications, we choose the GOP level parallel algorithm, the tests results show that the speedup can achieve up to about 2 on the Intel dual-core architecture.
     For the real-time applications, we choose the combination of the frame level parallel and the slice level parallel algorithms. It is quicker than the frame level parallelism and the quality is much better than slice level parallelism.
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