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  • 英文题名:Synthesis and DNA Binding Studies of New Polypyridyl Dinuclear Ruthenium and Copper Complexes
  • 作者:袁利
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:物理化学
  • 学位年度:2003
  • 导师:吴建中
  • 学科代码:070304
  • 学位授予单位:华南师范大学
  • 论文提交日期:2003-06-01
  • 答辩委员会主席:李伟善
     配体 BI PP插入到碱基对平面之间的。
     【(bPy)。R u(pe PP)R U(bP)。广在没有 DNA存在时,可与 CU卜形成 1:1型的
     配合物,这可从电子吸收和发射光谱的变化判断出来,配位结合位点应为 BI PP
     中部邻菲咯琳环的空的赘合N 原子。但是结合了DNA 后的
     [(bPy)。R u(pe PP)RU(bPy)r”光谱性质不会受到CU卜的影响,表明结合了DNA的
     【(bPy)。RU(poBI PP)RU(bPy)丁”不能与 CU’”配位,这也有力地证明了
     【(bPy)。RU(KB!PP)RU(bPy)丁“是以 BI PP插入,尤其是以 BI PP中部的邻菲咯琳环
     【(Phen)C u(pe PP)C u(Phen】‘与 DNA作用时 270 urn附近的电子吸收谱带
     也出现比较明显的减色现象(饱和时减色率约 18%),但 320-400 urn的吸收谱带
     则几乎没有变化。由于 320-400 urn的吸收谱带主要是由 BI PP决定的,因此 Cu。B
     可能是以两端平面结构的加hen川u‘”插入 DNA,而不是以 BI PP插入。366 urn附近
     存在时的 15%,表明 DNA可与【(Phen)Cu(K田 PP)Cu(Phen)]0紧密接触而发生无
     辐射能量转移。冲同条件下【(*en)on r D!P*on(*e巾广弓起的ONA奋对粘度
     变化比kbPy人RU(pBIPP川。P明显得多,说明前者能比后者更好地与 DNA
     BI PP作为插入功能团得到很好的解释。
Polypyridyl ruthenium and copper complexes play an important role in the research fields such as photophysics, electrochemistry and molecular assembling. Recently, much attention has been paid in their potentials for DNA structure recognition, spectroscopic probes, hydrolytic reagents and anticancer drugs. Most of these applications demand the existence of ligands capable of intercalating DNA base pairs.
    This thesis presented the synthesis of a novel polypyridyl ligand, 2,9-bis(2-imidazol[4,5-f][l,10]phenanthroline)-l,10-phenanthroline (abbreviated as BIPP), starting from 1,10-phenanthroline through
    l,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione and l,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dialdehyle
    intermediates. Using this ligand as bridging block, two new dinuclear complexes [(bpy)2Ru(u-BIPP)Ru(bpy)2]4+ and [(phen)Cu(|i-BIPP)Cu(phen)]4+, where bpy and phen denote 2,2'-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline respectively, have also been synthesized. Means of elemental analysis, MS, HPLC, thermal analysis, IR, electrochemistry, ID and 2D proton NMR, electronic absorption and emission spectra have been utilized for characterizing and property studies of these compounds.
    Photophysical methods involving electronic absorption, emission and emission quenching, and viscosity measurement have been used to study the interaction of the dinuclear complexes with calf thymus DNA. The results and conclusion are as follows:
    [(bpy)2Ru(|i-BIPP)Ru(bpy)2]4+ binds significantly with DNA, as shown by the significant effect of DNA on the photophysical properties. The ultraviolet and visible absorption bands decreased in intensity and the band around 370 nm, which is attributable to BIPP decreased much more than the MLCT bands
    around 445 nm, reaching ca 50% at saturation and the band shifted red 8 nm. The emission band around 601 nm increased remarkably by 1.4 fold, and shifted red 14 nm when DNA was added to saturation. The emission quenching of this complex by K|[Fe(CN)<] was decreased greatly when DNA was present. The relative viscosity of DNA was raised ca 40% after adding this complex to saturation. Since the small planarity of bpy makes bpy a poor moiety for intercalating DNA, the above facts imply that [(bpy)2Ru(u-BIPP)Ru(bpy)2]4+ binds to DNA by intercalation of BIPP into the DNA base pairs.
    In the absence of DNA [(bpy)2Ru(|i-BIPP)Ru(bpy)2]4+ could form 1:1 complex with Cu2*, as told by the electronic absorption and emission spectra. The binding sites should be the chelating positioned N atoms located in the phenanthroline moiety in the middle part of BIPP. But for DNA bound [(bpy)2Rir(u.-BIPP)Ru(bpy)2]4+, its photophysical behavior could not be affected by adding Cu2*, indicating no coordination could occur in such case. This also strongly 'supported the speculation that BIPP, especially its middle phenananthroline moiety is responsible for insertion to DNA.
    As for [(phen)Cu(fi-BIPP)Cu(phen)]4+, its absorption band around 270 nm also decreased notably (maximum ca 18%), but the bands between 320 to 400 nm almost remained unchanged while interacting with DNA. Since the band between 320 to 400 nm was mainly determined by BIPP, it could be deduced that [(phen)Cu(n-BIPP)Cu(phen)]4+ binds to DNA by intercalating the two terminal planar (phen)Cu2+ moieties, but not the BIPP moiety into the DNA base pairs. The emission band around 366 nm decreased markedly (maximum 85%) in the presence of DNA, indicating DNA could contact tightly with [(phen)Cu(u,-BIPP)Cu(phen)]4+ so non-emission energy transfer could occur. The relative viscosity increasing of DNA induced by [(phen)Cu(u.-BIPP)Cu(phen)]4+ was much more obvious than that by [(bpy)2Ru(u.-BIPP)Ru(bpy)2]4*, which could well explained by the difference in the intercalating moieties between the two complexes: two terminal (phen)Cu2* in the former and only one phenanthroline part of BIPP in the latter.
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