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     During the past 50 years,due to the factors of the aggravating industrialization,environmental pollution,dietary changes and the increasing psychological pressure,allergic diseases are increasing year by year.Presently there are 250 million people suffering from allergic diseases, accounting for 22% of the total world population.Allergic diseases involved multiple clinical departments such as dermatology, ENT,respiratory,etc.It had become a diffcult problem.
     Allergic diseases relate to multi-factors, including a variety of internal and external factors.Allergens play a very important role in allergic diseases. Foreign survey reports show that 54%-69% of the allergic diseases are caused by inhalation of allergen and about 33% are food-induced allergic reaction. The study in order to understand the primary allergens and discrepancies between different genders ages,seasons,nationalities, regions, occupations and diseases of allergens in Baotou,and to provide the basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment better.
     To explore the primary allergens and discrepancies of allergens between genders, ages, seasons, nationalities, regions, occupations and diseases in Baotou,and to provide the basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment better and to propose effective measures for allergic diseases prevention and treatments.
     We chose the patients who got allergic diseases and went to in the First affiliated hospital of Baoto Medical College on May 1,2008 to May 1,2009.The patients were examined and recorded by the BICOM 2000. The data was analzed by SPSS11.5.
     (1) The top ten allergens were:house dust mite (52.9%), mutton (41.9%), dust mite (39.3%), animal fur (38.9%), milk (34.9%), formaldehyde (32.0%), fish mixture (32.0%), Artemisia (31.2%), fungal mixture (29.7%), beef (28.5%), Mucor mixture (27.5%).(2) The positive rate of allergens,such as spices, pesticides, aniline, Populus, pepper, alcohol, fungus mixture etc, had statistically significant genders.(3) The positive rate of allergens, such as fungus mixture, lamb, dimethylnitrosamine, milk, fish mixture, eggs, bacteria, perfume, formaldehyde,had statistically significant with different ages. (4) The positive rate of allergens,such as aspergillus flavus, mucor mixture, animal fur, formaldehyde, bacteria, benzopyrene, Populus, corn pollen, fish mixture, pepper, benzoic acid, had statistically significant with different regions.(5) The positive rate of 49 kinds of allergens, such as house dust mite.dust mite,Aspergillus flavus,mucor and so on, had statistically significant with different professions. (6) Except for fungal compounds and domethylnitrosamine,the positive rate of the other 52 kinds of allergens all had statistically significant in four seasons.(7) The comparison of the positive rate of different kinds of allergic patients showed that 54 kinds of major allergens had statistically significant in 8 kinds of allergic diseases.
     The main allergens were house dust mites, dust mites, mutton, milk, formaldehyde, Artemisia and poplars.The kinds of allergens were more and the positive rate was higher of the allergic patients in Baotou. Hospitals and communities should take health education activities and make patients understand the inportance of the allergens to avoid contacting interrelated allergens in order to reduce the diseases. Living conditions should be improved and governments should take effctive in tervention measures to reduce and dliminate allergens.
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