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In 2005 it occurs that Shan Zhidong sues the Shanghai hot-online, this document becomes the first document of the right of discourse in network, this newborn concept has introduced "the right of discourse in network" to our field of vision. The French jurist Michel Foucault most early proposed the viewpoint "the discourses are the power" in "the order of Discourse", from this time on the right of discourse starts to become the hot topic of the legal science research. This article embarks from the concept of the right of discourse, and introduces the theory of Michel Foucault, then analyze the relation of the "discourse" and the "power" in the theory of the right of discourse. And then introduces the concept of the right of discourse in network by the discourse theory. We can simple understand the right of discourse in network for the right of discourse which takes the network as the platform, and forces to the real life.
     Along with the high speed development of the network, the question of the right of discourse also become more and more prominent, and cases of the right of discourse in network appearance, the right of discourse in network becomes realistic question in front of our Jurisprudence person. As a realistic existence, the right of discourse in network influences not only exists to the hypothesized cyber-space, but also is closely linked with the real life. First the existence of the right of discourse in network is inseparable with the Internet. Internet is equal, anonymous, interactive, and the information overload in it, all of this affects existence and the realization of the right of discourse in network. Although the network has realized the dispersing of the center of the discourse, and make the people to be free of speech, but we also needs to pay attention to that the right of discourse in network is different with the freedom of speech in network. The significance of the right of discourse in network is not only the publication of free speech, but also involving the reality through the network platform, then realizing the discourse to be a kind of power. But the realization of right of discourse in network is closely linked with the freedom of speech in network with no doubt. It can be said that, the network open gate of the convenience for realizing the freedom of speech, and the freedom of speech in network has provided the possibility for the right of discourse in network. The humanity has been to pay attention to the concept "free" since we entered the civilized time, and the freedom of speech becomes directly manifests of the freedom of the humanity. The network is a new field of the freedom of speech, The concept of speech have already broken through the traditional boundary and extends to the hypothesized space. The network which is a hypothesized open style space has given the new characteristic and the expression of speech. But the fault of speech in network has also initiated the freedom of speech the network against with the rights of citizens and the power of states. Public opinion in network which is formed by the freedom of speech in network is not equal to the public opinion, the right of discourse in network release for public opinion in the network has its own malpractice. The right of discourse in network has own characteristic, it can realize the direct expression, the blending of disseminators and audiences, the core of subject and discussion of populace in one topic which introduced by Communication and causes widespread social attention. The right of discourse in network has the unique structural style itself, and has the corresponding subject, the object and the carrier. In the procession of realizing the right of discourse in network, it appears that the right of discourse in network loses the standard as a result of network dissemination characteristic. This article bases from the concept of losing the standard and analyzes the performance and the reason of the losing the standard of the right of discourse in network, and has drawn out to regime the right of discourse in network. We may know from the concept of "regime" that, to regime the things is not having one subject but having multi-level. The right of discourse in network has all sorts of problems as a result of its spontaneity, urgently needs the standard. But if we just emphasis the standard of country system, can initiate the inflation of the power of the states, then threatens the democracy and the freedom in network. We must realize "Rule by Law", "Rule by Morals", "Rule by Technology" if we want to regime the right of discourse in network reasonable.
     This article certainly does not lie in proposing the concrete systems and methods to solve the question of the right of discourse in network, but to propose my own worries and thinking when faces this kind of newborn things like the right of discourse in network.
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    19 同注7。
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    36 2006年2月28日,网民“碎玻璃渣子”在网上公布了一组虐猫视频截图:一名时髦女子用漂亮的高跟牲踩踏一只小猫,直至将其脑袋踩爆。此图片迅速引起网友愤怒,并在网络上被广为转发。参见http://news.sina.com.cn/z/nvzinm/.
    37 2006年4月13日,在《魔兽世界中国》主题论坛,一男子发帖称妻子沉迷《魔兽世界》,并在一次玩家聚会后与网名为铜须的男子发生一夜情。此帖随后出现在多家论坛,网友开始声讨铜须,有网友调查出铜须的姓名、手机号、照片等并公布在网上。参见http://news.sina.com.cn/s/2006-04-29/01498816041s.shtml.
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    39 甄树青:《论表达自由》,社会科学文献出版社,2000年版。
    40 2003年2月24日上午,湖南省湘潭市教师黄静被人发现裸体死于其工作的小学宿舍,全身覆盖折叠平整的棉被,遗体(双手、双腿、胸、颈等)有多处伤痕。当晚,其男友姜俊武曾在其宿舍留宿,有故意杀人、故意伤害、强奸等重大犯罪嫌疑。此案发生后,派出所的警察没有深入细致地勘察现场,就以死者身上无致命伤为由,排除他杀,不予立案,并证明姜俊武不在死亡现场,不需负法律责任。事情发生后,江西教师徐建新和北京记者朱寅年在网上联合发起了“关于黄静案致中华人民共和国公安部和教育部的呼吁书”,2003年6月初将此签名呼吁书送达了公安部和教育部。在多方努力下,姜俊武以涉嫌强奸(中止)罪被审查起诉。2006年7月10日,湖南省湘潭市雨湖区人民法院一审宣判被告人姜俊武无罪。
    41 陈力丹:《舆论学——舆论导向研究》,中国广播电视出版社,1999年版,第5页。
    42 同上。
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    44 哈贝马斯:《在事实与规范之间——关于法律和民主法治国的商谈理论》,三联书店,2003年版,第454页。
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    48 《马克思恩格斯选集》,第2卷,第81页。
    49 王逸舟:《当代国际政治析论》,上海人民出版社1995年版,第369页。
    50 《辞海》,上海辞书出版社1979年版,第2584页。
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    52 杨力平:《计算机犯罪与防范》,电子工业出版社,2002年版。
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    54 皮勇、胡庆梅:《论网络实名制不应“独行”》,载《信息网络安全》,2006年第5期,第22页。
    55 乐毅:《网络实名制形同虚设的悲哀》,载《IT时代周刊》,2002年第2期,第73页。
    56 转引自冯天瑜:《两种文化的协调发展》载《中国大学人文启思录》(第二卷),华中理工大学出版社,1999年版,第211页。
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    59 喻国明:《我国传媒主流信息严重缺失》,载中国新闻网,2004年3月18日。
    60 同上。
    15、迪尔凯姆:《自杀论》,浙江人民出版社 1988年版。
    3、刘郦:《知识与权力》,载《哲学研究》, 2002年第2期。

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