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Since 17th century, urban public transportation has become one of the most important part of the whole urban transportation system, its development level is not only a significant symbol of the national modernization, but also reflects the general economic strength of the country, the development of urban economy and the citizens' living standard directly as well. Transfer system is an important subsystem of urban transportation system, the guarantee of the city transport priority, and the key to the integration, which is significant for the perfection of the city structure and rationalization of land use.
    This paper summarizes the researches and practices on the transfer system of foreign and urban cities, analyses the meanings of it and the realization conditions and influence factors for effective running as well as the classes of transfer hubs. Transfer hub is very complicated and coordinated management is important for it. This paper discusses many factors in coordinated management of it based on planning, operation and environment.
    The accessibility of transit is an important index which decides whether the public transportation system can work with high quality and efficiency and it can be evaluated by average transfer times (ATT). In this paper, according to the fact that passengers would like to walk to reduce transfer times usually within their walking distance, a new algorithm is presented to calculate ATT. An example is given to validate the feasibility of it.
    This paper presents a new best-routing algorithm for public transportation systems on the basis of analyzing the related documents. After network transformations, the transit networks is transformed the transit networks without transfer. This algorithm can avoid calculating T matrix and Q matrix and can directly calculate the best route from the original bus stop to the else ones by Dijkstra
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