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Customer resource integration (CRI) has become a hot point whether in Chinese logistics enterprise field or in academic field. At the begin of this study, it presents the definitions of CRI, analyzes the importance of CRI for logistics enterprises, and then discusses the different study viewpoints in the domestic & international documents.
    In this paper, it is believed that the key to success of CRI is to be based on the core competence of logistics enterprise. In order to prove this, It analyzes the microcosmic reasons including the cost pushing and the benefit pulling.
    Based on the core competence of logistics enterprise, the detailed process of CRI is offered in this paper. Firstly, it identifies the core competence of logistics enterprise from three aspects including market aspect, technical aspect and management aspect.
    Secondly, it makes market segmentation in our customers on the basis of the core competence in logistics enterprise by the model of Grey relation analysis. It not only can forecast the market portion, but also can compare the potential among the core logistics service products, therefore, it will benefit to the decision in enterprise.
    Thirdly, the basis of CRI is the operation resource integration (ORI). For ORI, information technology is the mean, dynamic alliance is the form and virtual management is the tactic.
    Fourthly, the key of CRI is the construction of the customer' s integrative knowledge model in logistics enterprise. This model includes the basic information model and extensive knowledge model. In this section, this paper puts emphasis on how to construct the customer' s integrative value calculation model.
    Based on the discussion above, this paper analyses the main methods to execute CRI in detail from the means of CRI and the way of CRI. Meanwhile, It puts forward the modal of CRI based on the logistics flow elements and the modal of CRI based on the logistics customer' s value element. It also combines with the practical cases in order to be understood and to be benefit to the practical operation.
    In addition, this paper puts forward the construction of customer resource integration system (CRIS) based on the core competence in logistics enterprise. For CRIS, this paper discusses its basic construction principle, the basic function, the system frame and the operation flow.
    At last, the necessity and importance to execute continuous CRI in
    logistics enterprise are also discussed.
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