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Water construction is a heavy and long-term task. There is a common sense that strategic management should be carried out in water development but the effects are not satisfying. On the basis of the present research on the practices and theories of water conservancy strategy, this dissertation, from the management view of water conservancy strategy, starts with the human-water relationship, then with regard to the characteristics of water, shifts from the strategic patterns of water conservancy to the dynamic management. It describes the process of dynamic management of water conservancy strategy from the transition of water conservancy strategic patterns and paves the way for the elementary theories and research approaches of water conservancy strategic management.
    Firstly, historic research approach is used for the discussion of the relationship between the social pattern and water management. Water conservancy strategic pattern is described as the combination of water conservancy demand by the society in certain period and some special responsive ways based on water conservancy capability. Therefore, with the social development and the increasing water conservancy demand and the enpowering water conservancy capability, different water conservancy strategy will be adopted in different periods.
    Secondly, the content of water conservancy strategy including safety, development and sustainable development, and forms of water conservancy strategy including engineering, market and harmonious coordination, demonstrate the water conservancy strategic patterns. This dissertation develops the water conservancy strategic model and also describes its movement regular patterns. It presents the characteristics of the historical evolution, time and space distribution, outer environment, and inner structure of each water conservancy strategic pattern, clearly describing the nature of water conservancy strategy.
    Furthermore, there is a deep research on the transferring forms and circuits of water conservancy strategic patterns and the stimulating elements of water conservancy strategic transition in the hope of making clear the static structure of the transition of water conservancy strategic patters and the transferring mechanism of different patterns.
    Finally, in the use of content analyses and other approaches and on the basis of the water conservancy strategic patterns, this dissertation provides historic analyses of the evolution and trend of China's water conservancy strategy and compares present water conservancy strategy adopted in management practices of China's water conservancy, water conservancy strategy is divided into several patterns and suitable conditions for each pattern is also analyzed in order to establish some systematic analyses models for strategic management practices of China's water conservancy in different socioeconomic situations. Moreover, management elements of different strategic patterns are also discussed for the improvement of efficiency and effects of water conservancy strategic management.
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