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Stratagem has entered business operation and exerted deep influence on strategic management of Chinese enterprises. This paper stressed that Chinese traditional management has the character of stratagem management. Strategic management and its stratagem trend in Chinese enterprises provided concrete management situations for the exploration of business stratagem and its operation mechanism. The study of stratagem trend in strategic management could provide some suggestions for the strategy making, strategy implementation and business management reform.Firstly, a question frame was given in the paper. How the stratagem trend is formed in enterprise's strategic management and what are the operation mechanism characters of business stratagem are main research question in this paper. Based on a long research plan, the paper defined the evaluation of the business stratagem question, business stratagem mechanism and its traditional culture resources, analysis of stratagem operation mode, and the construction of some proposition as the main targets in the research. The paper was positioned as the native management and strategic management research.Secondly, based on the outline analysis of the research frame about mainstream of strategy theories, the paper prompted the business stratagem research frame including the business organization, manager' action, competition analysis. The business stratagem research should consider both the norm of scholastic study and knowledge characters of orient management. For research method, the paper explored business stratagem from the view of management culture and formed combined research methods under the guide of qualitative research, including management language analysis, case study method, questionnaire investigation and quantitative analysis method.Thirdly, the paper explored the meaning of business stratagem and related concepts based on the comprations between strategy and stratagem. Some native concepts such as business stratagem management, management action logic, harmonious management, chain reasoning thinking and analogy expression, and Guanxi network were explored.Fourthly, the paper explored the business stratagem mechanism, its traditional culture resources, and its operation method in enterprises. The paper explored the contents and characters of organization mechanism, competition mechanism, and manager's action logic behind business stratagem. Traditional management culture resources behind the business stratagem have been analyzed from three sides, which were tradition state governess thought, traditional military stratagem and traditional ways of life. The paper also pointed out that traditional stratagem resources must be changed with environment mutation for its relying on traditional management culture. Several investigation and case study about strategy have been concluded in the paper, In these strategy research, some unique operation characters about business stratagem have been discussed, such as the complexity of manager's management behavior,
    complexity in the business organization transition, applying characters of management language, situational dealing with management investigation.In the end, the paper concluded some initial propositions of business stratagem, including the connotation and characters of business stratagem, organization mechanism, competition mechanism, and managers' action mechanism. Some suggestions were also prompted about how to apply the conclusions in strategic management and how to do strategy consulting for Chinese enterprises.
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