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     目前网络保护技术中的传统防火墙技术已经发展得比较成熟,分布式防火墙(Distributed Firewall, DFW)在安全性、系统性能和扩展性等方面相对于传统防火墙具有更安全、更高效和更易扩展性等优点,但是DFW仍处于发展阶段,当前的DFW产品都是基于商业需求研制的,注重结果,交互性不强,而且只适于一个管理员配置,相对于教学实验中多用户,交互性等要求,DFW产品难以满足教学实验需求。因此,本文设计并实现了一个基于DFW的教学实验系统。
With the development of computer network and information technology, it is more convenient to get access to Internet so as the data transmission. The fact also should not be ignored is that people are facing the dangers of their privacy leaking, virus threating and hacker’s attacking when they connect to Internet. On one hand, the information security level has to be improved; on the other hand, we should learn something about computer network and information security technology. So, today, more researchers are working on how to providing a platform for these technologies’learning, training and practising.
     In order to serve for the construction of national information security safeguard system and fasten the popularization and enhancement of all people’s information security consciousness, the National Science and Technology Department activated two information security projects of National 863 Plans successively. One is the project of Research and Integration of Compsitive Experiment Platform of Information Security Engineering Practising, and the other project is the Increment Service Platform of Information Security (East), which are for the purpose of
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