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In the process of China's rapid economic development, the more attention be paid to the issue ofcivil health development, but economic prosperity and precarious situation of civil health still coexist,and under the current complicated circumstances, the factors leading civil health and regionaleconomic development to imbalance are increasingly complex. After the concept of economicdevelopment, more and more scholars takeing civil health as one of the important goals of the socialdevelopment to research. Civil health and regional economy both as a complex system, there existforward and reverse effect coupling relationship between them, and this coupling relationship directlyrelated to economic and human development, and bearing on regional sustainable development.Therefore, research on the coupled status, internal operation mechanism and regulation of civil healthand regional economy, not only contribute to the understanding of the capacity of regional sustainabledevelopment, but also provide a theoretical analysis and practical research foundation to solve theproblem of complex system development and promote regional sustainable and harmoniousdevelopment of regional economy.
     The paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the existing research of civil health and regionaleconomic system coupling development, referring to the existing research results, analysis of civilhealth and regional economic system from the angle of system coupling, take the couplingquantitative analysis of civil health and regional economic system as the research purposes, thecorresponding research from the following five aspects:
     1. Theoretically analyzed civil health and regional economic system based on the systemcoupling theory, quantitative classification and define the essence of the composite system couplingdevelopment. The research shows that: the civil health and regional economic coupling system hascharacteristics of integrity, symbiosis, complexity, openness, dynamic, self-organization andorganization, regional economic generates take stress effects on civil health system, which the civilhealth system take restriction effect on regional economic system. The quantitative analysis of thecoupling development of the civil health and regional economic system, including the coupling levelof development of two subsystems and composite system, measure composite system's static anddynamic development, and the coupling evolution of the system.
     2. Construction coupling development static level measure model based on efficiency analysisand entropy function, empirical analyze regulation of coupling development of civil health andregional economic system in recent ten years, reveal the problem of composite system and subsystemsin development process. Research shows that: The efficiency measure model based on the stochasticfrontier analysis (SFA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) is suitable for measure static couplinglevel of civil health and regional economic subsystem, the coupled levels all showed gradual upwardtrend, and the level of coupling between regional are largely differences; the efficiency measuremodel based on entropy function is suitable for measure static coupling level of the composite system,found generally in the primer and order degree level, and shows a smooth upward trend, difference ofcoupled development level between regional are larger, and this shows a divergent trend.
     3. Construction dynamic coupling development level measure model of quantification modelbased on the efficiency analysis and coupling degree, analyze coupling development of civil healthand regional economic system from dynamic angle, discusses its problems. Research shows that: baseon malmquist productivity index, combined with the SFA method can remove random factors andreflected the reality of its essence more than the DEA method, the calculation results show that fivekinds of dynamic changes of regional total factor productivity, the technology frontier, technicalefficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency are differences; analysis civil health and regionaleconomic complex system coupling level dynamic trend based on coupling degree, found thecoupling development level trend shown slowly rising trend, the composite system coupling dynamicdevelopment between regional are larger, but this difference shows a convergence trend.
     4. Based on the dissipative structure, entropy, symbiotic system theories, analyze couplingevolution mechanism and path of civil health and regional economic system, and discuss the steadystate characteristics of its evolution process. Research shows that: as coupling evolution of civil healthand regional economic complex system, it is dissipative structure conversion in macro level and"negative entropy" absorption in micro level, the evolution of logistic analysis showed that the levelof coupling evolution of civil health and regional economic subsystem have been passed the initialstage and growth stage, and entering the mature stage on2008-2009and2004-2005, and disharmonyphenomenon of internal system is produced; the coupling development of civil health and regionaleconomic complex system is still in the initial stage, the development level is relatively low; inaddition, the composite system coupling steady moderate steady-state level in eight years, andshowing two "concave" shape during2004-2005and2008-2009, fell sharply and even performance isunstable, but the development of nearly two years showing a recovery trend.
     5. Considering the factors related to coupling development of civil health and regional economicsystem, and construction effect factors measurement model of subsystem and the composite system,discusses the influence of various factors on the effect of system and composite system. Researchshows that: Analyze the influencing factors of the civil health and regional economic subsystem basedon the SFA method, found that for coupling development of civil health system, high level of healthservices promote its efficiency, level of education, government health input ability and developmentlevel of the city has a negative effect on the efficiency, effect capacity of personal health input can notplay obviously; for coupled development of regional economic subsystem, property rights structurevariables, trade dependence variable, technology innovation ability, the industrial structure variablesvariables and the income gap between urban and rural produces certain positive role, but the role ofgovernment regulation is not obvious; analyze various factors impact of coupling development of civilhealth and regional economic complex system based on partial least squares path (PLS) method,urban-rural income difference play a more effective interfere then educational level, pollutionemissions promote greater capability on the coupling development then technological innovation.
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