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Nature is a necessary path that promotes the developing of modern technology and thequality of life. Through insightful observation into the natural organisms, researchers havebeen able to explain the mysterious ways of living organisms adapting their respectiveecological environments. Inspired by these amazing surviving skills, researchers haveinvented many bio-mimicking materials which have been implemented in industrial areas anddaily life. As for the vast developing area of gel materials, a great deal has been achievedsince the last century. Inspired by fish scales, coating technology targeting at anti-oil andanti-biofouling functions has found broad market in the past. Besides, researchers havelearned the biological hydrogel environments for the differentiation of stem cells in livingbodies and base on which developed versatile tools to make artificial hydrogel environment inspecial patterns and arrangements to greatly benefit both the surviving and differentiation ofstem cells in desirable ways in vitro conditions. However to date, the research on organogel,which mainly contains a big amount of oil phase in its constitution, The consideration of the special interfacial wettability is only beginning. And unlike a ubiquitous wettability renderingmethod for common solid surfaces, there is in lack of a general idea in how to render analready made hydrogel material surface. In other words, it is still a challenge to invent aubiquitous methodology in post modulation of the surface wettability on a regular hydrogelsurface. In this thesis, learning from fish scale and hydrophobic lipid bilayer in cells, weprepared smart-responsive gel materials with special wettability. Especially, we investigatethe feasibility of smart-responsive gel materials in application in reversible manipulation ofsessile drops, oil/water separation and prevention of wax deposition in crude oil pipeline, etc.The main contents are as follows:
     (1) Inspired by fish scales, we prepared n-paraffin swollen organogel material withthermally switchable water adhesion property on its surface. The organogel materials wasprepared by swelling n-paraffin with different carbon numbers at high temperature into thecross-linking network of poly(dimethyl siloxane)(PDMS). The organogel exhibitsmelting-point feature, which is at temperature lower than melting point of the n-paraffin used,organogel exhibits solid property, opaque in milky-white; whereas at temperature higher thanmelting point, organogel is complete transparent. At temperature lower than the melting pointof the n-paraffin, the gel surface exhibits Wenzel high-adhesion state towards water drops;whereas at temperature higher than melting point, water drops are lubricated and inlow-adhesion state. Moreover, this wetting state transition is in-situ reversible. And the alsoreversible switching of transparency on organogel might provide new ideas in thermallycontrollable optical switches and windows.
     (2) Originated from the organogel in (1), we extend the types of solvent used forpreparing organogel. It is found that gasoline, diesel oil and even crude oil could impartorganogel with extremely low adhesion towards paraffin wax. We first investigated the factorsthat pose influence to the swelling ratio of organogel, such as the composition of solvents,temperature, cross-linking density, etc. Then we proposed a possible mechanism of theformation of ultra-low adhesion of solidifying paraffin wax to organogel surface, which isrelated to the free crystallization of paraffin wax at a miscible liquid layer, which largely prevents the direct contact of paraffin wax to the solid surface of organogel material. Furtherexperiment showed that the special organogel material is able to prevent wax deposition eventin crude oil pipeline at low temperature. From the experiment we verified that the ability ofanti-waxing on organogel surface is two orders higher than conventional pipeline materials.
     (3) Inspired by the selective permeability of the hydrophobic lipid bilayer on cellmembrane, we developed a general method of post-modifying hydrogel surface viaquarternization reaction at water/oil interface. We conduct this strategy by introducingfunctional groups including dimethylamino groups into the cross-linking gelation of regularhydrogel system. We successfully grafted short alkyl chains with different carbon numbers aswell as polymer chains onto hydrogel surface and found that the surface was renderedhydrophobic. We also found that the wettability of normal hydrogel under liquids wascompletely reversed. That is, the modified hydrogel exhibited both oleophilicity underwaterand superhydrophobicity underoil. Based on the aforementioned results, we successfullyobtained superhydrophobic hydrogel surface by combining the punching hole and modelscarification techniques in preparing cone arrays on hydrogel surface. Later, we investigatedthe influence of surface modification on water diffusion dynamics to the hydrogel interface.In the experiment, we fabricated the hydrogel section in a glass tube through the so called“sandwich” technique. From the experiment, we found that the existence of hydrophobic layeron hydrogel surface delayed the diffusion process from water to hydrogel. And we also foundthat in a longer time span, the hydrophobic layer could keep a difference in waterconcentration between inside and outside of hydrogel interface, which enable the inside ofhydrogel to have time to reach distribution equilibrium of the out coming solvents. Theresearch of hydrogel post-modulation strategy will benefit the potential application in areas ofoil/water separation and bio-medicine control release.
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