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The Airlines industry is a production and serving industry which is characteristic of public services as well as high-tech, high-investment and high-risk. Before 1978, the government regulated the airline's entry, the services criterion, lines and prices strictly, because of worrying about the competitions would destroy this carrying trade. But after 1978, the deregulation has prevailed in the United States, the government has relieved the restrictions on market-entry, management and competition. This tendency led to a revolution in the airlines industry, and some new management theories and competition instruments unknown before have come out.
    The theory of deregulation is based on the theory of perfect competition and the theory of competitive market. But the later researches found that the theory of competitive market is not consistent with the behaviors of airlines' competition after deregulation. The management methods and competition instruments which are adopted by most old airlines, such as the Hub-Spoke system, revenue management system, frequent travelers programs, code-sharing and the predatory competitions to small airlines, have become the advantages of old companies, and have prevented the competitions from the airlines industry.
    Now, this thesis attempts to use the theory of principal-agent and the theory of transaction cost, as well as through observing the cost to information, the reaction to rivals' public competitions, principal-agent relations, transaction-specific assets and the cost to transaction, to interpret the competitions of airlines industry from the view of competitive activities that carried out by old companies to face the threats from new entrants.
    This thesis involves109 Articles. Art. 1 discusses the changes of the history about the regulations of airlines industry. Art. 2 and Art.3 summarizes the theory of regulation and deregulation. In Art. 4, the author tries to use the theory of transaction cost and the theory of principal-agent to explain the behaviors of airlines industry after deregulation, and set forth the viewpoint of this thesis.
    The Art.54 to Art. 9 describe the airlines competition according to the viewpoint set forth before. Art. 5 discusses the merge and consolidation of airlines industry, and concludes that the merge and consolidation reflect the cost to information, principal-agent, the indivisibility of airlines production, and predatory competition whose purpose is to raise rivals' cost. Art.6 is about vertical network integration, it involves code-sharing and the supervise to agents through CRS. Art.7 analyzes the hub systems, it indicates that the hub systems take advantage of the scale and scope economy, principal-agent relations and the indivisibility of production, at the same time, it restrains the competitions. Art. 8 discusses the several-levels price structure and frequent travelers program in the airlines market, also designs a model of frequent travelers' choice. Art.9 refers to the predatory competition.
    The last part - Art. 10, puts forward the conclusion of this thesis and tries to give some suggestions to the deregulation policy of Chinese airlines industry.
1 姚峻主编:《中国航空史》大象出版社1998年版,第499页。
    2 轩余恩,中国民航运输市场发展与创新,中国民航出版社2003年第67页。
    3 Elizabeth E. Bailey, David R. Graham, Daneil P. Kaplan, Deregulating the Airlines, The MIT Press, Cambridge. (1985).
    4 迈克尔·波特著,陈小悦译,竞争战略,华夏出版社1997年第3页。
    5 S.Richmond, Regulation and Competition in Air Transportation (1961).
    6 Keeler, Domestic Trunk Airline Regulation: An Economic Evaluation, in Sen. Comm. On Govt. Affairs, 95th Cong., 2nd Sess., Study on Fed. Regulation, App.to VOl. Ⅵ (1978). R.Caves, Air Transport And Its Regulators: An Industry Study(1962); Keeler, Airline Regulation and Market Performance, 3 Bell J. Econ.& Mgrnt.Set.399(1972).
    7 E.Baily, D.Graham and D.Kaplan, Deregulating the Airlines (1985); S.Morrison and C.Winston, The Economic Effects of Airline Deregulation(1986); Call and Keeler, Airline Deregulation, Fares,and Maeket Behavior,(1985).
    8 Call and Keeler, Airline Deregulation, Fares,and Maeket Behavior,(1985)., Schwartz, The Nature and Scope of Contestability Theory, in Strategic Behavior and Industrial Competition,(1986).
    9 E. Bailey and J. Williams, Sources of Rent in The Deregulated Airline Industry (1987).
    10 迈克尔·波特著,陈小悦译,竞争战略,华夏出版社1997年第33页。
    1 小贾尔斯·伯吉斯:《管制和反垄断经济学》上海财经大学出版社 2003年 第150页。
    2 Richard H.K. Vietor, Contrived Competition: Airline Regulatipn and Deregulation, 1925-1988, Business History Review 64(Spring 1990), pp. 68-74.
    3 耿书香主编:《航空公司运营管理方略》中国民航出版社 2000年 第323页。
    4 同上,第324页。
    5 [美]乔治·斯蒂格勒:《产业组织和政府管制》,上海人民出版社、上海三联书店1996年版,第119页。
    6 Daneil P. Kaplan, The Changing Airline Industry, Regulatory Reform: What Actually Happened, (1986)p.44.
    7 Alfred E. Kahn, Deregulation: Looking Backward and Looking Forward, Yale Journal on Regulation 7(Summer 1990).p.344.
    8 Steven A.Morrison and Clifford Winston, The dynamics of Airline Pricing and Competition, American Economic Review 80(May 1990), pp. 389-390.
    9 轩余恩:《中国民航运输市场发展与创新》,中国民航出版社2003年第67页。
    1 [美]小贾尔斯·伯吉斯:《管制和反垄断经济学》上海财经大学出版社 2003年 第30页。
    2 Alfred E. Kahn, The Economic of Regulation on Principles and Institutions, Vol. 1 1988.
    3 轩余恩:《中国民航运输市场发展与创新》中国民航出版社 2003年 第2页。
    4 [美]小贾尔斯·伯吉斯:《管制和反垄断经济学》上海财经大学出版社 2003年 第32页。
    5 同上,第32页.
    6 [美]小贾尔斯·伯吉斯:《管制和反垄断经济学》上海财经大学出版社 2003年 第15页。
    7 同上,第147页。
    8 乔治·斯蒂格勒:《产业组织和政府管制》上海人民出版社 上海三联书店 1996年 第210页。
    9 Thomas S. Ulen, "The Market for Regulation: The ICC from 1887 to 1920," American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 70 (May 1980), p.310.
    10 [美]小贾尔斯·伯吉斯,管制和反垄断经济学 上海财经大学出版社 2003年 第135页。
    11 Alfred E. Kahn, The Economics of Regulation:Principles and Institutions, Vol. Ⅱ (Cambridge,MA: MIT Press,1988), p.1.
    12 [美]小贾尔斯·伯吉斯:《管制和反垄断经济学》上海财经大学出版社 2003年 第136页。
    13 Alfred E. Kahn, The Economics of Regulation:Principles and Institutions, VoL Ⅱ (Cambridge,MA: MIT Press,1988),p178-193.
    1 R.Caves, Air Transport and Its Regulations: An Industry Study (1962); Keeler, Airline Regulation and Market Performance(1972).
    2 R.Caves, Air Transport and Its Regulations: An Industry Study (1962).
    3 M.Strasheim, The International Airline Industry 90-101(1969).
    4 W.Jordan,Airlian Regulation In America: Effects and Impereffections(1970)
    5 E.Baily, D.Graham and D.Kaplan, Deregulating the Airlines (1985); S.Morrison and C.Winston, The Economic Effects of Airline Deregulation(1986); Call and Keeler, Airline Deregulation, Fares,and Maeket Behavior,(1985).
    6 Elizabeth Bailey, David Graham & David Kaplan, Deregulation theAielines(1985)
    7 Spence, Contestable Markets and the Theory Structure: A Review Article, 21 J Econ L27. 981,987(1983).
    8 Call and Keeler, Airline Deregulation, Fares,and Maeket Behavior,(1985)., Schwartz, The Nature and Scope of Contestability Theory, in Strategic Behavior and Industrial Competition,(1986).
    9 E. Bailey and J. Williams, Sources of Rent in The Deregulated Airline Industry (1987).
    10 Elizabeth Bailey, David Graham & David Kaplan, Deregulation the Aielines(1985),pp.91-110.
    11 [美]路易斯·普特曼等编:《企业的经济性质》,上海财经大学出版社2000年,第二季度9页。
    12 [美]威廉姆森:《资本主义经济制度》,商务印书馆2002年版,第33页
    13 马涛:《经济思想史教程》,复旦大学出版社2002年版,第465页。
    14 [美]迈克尔·迪屈奇:《交易成本经济学》,经济科学出版社1999年版,第5页。
    15 [美]威廉姆森:《反托拉斯经济学》,经济科学出版社1999年版,第208页。
    16 [美]威廉姆森:《资本主义经济制度》,商务印书馆2002年版,第71页。
    17 [美]威廉姆森:《反托拉斯经济学》,经济科学出版社1999年版,第92页。
    18 同上,第209页。
    19 同上,第205页。
    20 马涛:《经济思想史教程》,复旦大学出版社2002年版,第465页。
    21 同上,第466页。
    1 R. Caves, Air Transport and Its Regulations: An Industry Study, pp56-61(1962)
    2 Kahn, Alfred E. The Competitive Consequences of Hub Dominance: A Case Study, Review of Industrial Organization 8(August 1993): 381-406
    3 G. Eads, The Local Service Airline Experiment, pp.31-74 (1972).
    4 DOT Opens Computer Reservations System Investigation, Aviation Daily, Feb 3,1987,at 1.
    5 Elizabeth Bailey, David Graham & David Kaplan, Deregulation the Airlines(1985)
    6 F. Scherer, Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, 14-15 (1980).
    7 Levine, Is Regulation Necessary? California Air Transportation and National Regulatory Policy, Yale LJ.1416(1965)
    8 [美]威廉姆森:《资本主义经济制度》,商务印书馆2002年版,第47-52页。
    9 同上,第225—265页。
    10 [美]威廉姆森:《资本主义经济制度》,商务印书馆2002年版,第407页。[美]乔治·斯蒂格勒:《产业组织和政府管制》,上海人民出版社、上海三联书店1996年版,第74—96页。
    1 Morrison and Winston. The Evolution of the Airline Industry, (Washington, D.C.:Brookings Institution, 1995) p.8.
    2 Edward H. Chamberlin, The Theory of Monopolistic Competition (Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 1933) p.47.
    3 [美]乔治·斯蒂格勒:《产业组织和政府管制》,上海人民出版社、上海三联书店1996年版,第119页。
    4 [美]小贾尔斯·伯吉斯:《管制和反垄断经济学》上海财经大学出版社2003年 第257页。
    5 同上。
    6 [美]威廉姆森:《反托拉斯经济学》经济科学出版社1999年版,第26页。
    7 同上,第27页。
    8 [美]威廉姆森:《资本主义经济制度》,商务印书馆2002年版,第47—52页。
    9 周耀东,2000,“市场竞争与政府管制——中国产业组织理论问题的综述”,《上海经济研究》第11期。
    1 [美]威廉姆森:《反托拉斯经济学》经济科学出版社1999年版,第28页。
    2 同上,第55页。
    3 同上,第55页。
    4 耿书香主编:《航空公司运营管理方略》中国民航出版社2000年版,第253页。
    5 同上,第155页。
    6 [美]威廉姆森:《资本主义经济制度》,商务印书馆2002年版,第47—52页。
    7 耿书香主编:《航空公司运营管理方略》中国民航出版社2000年版,第263页。
    7 CAB Investigation into the Competition Marketing of Air Transportation. Order 82. 12-85.
    7 49 Fed Reg 32,540(1984)(codified at C.F.R.255(1986))
    1 Morrison and Winston, The Evolution of the Airline Industry, The Booking Institution, Washiton, D. C. 1995, p.28.
    2 Bailey and Maumol, "Deregulation and the Theory of Contestable Markets," Yale Journal on Regulation, 1(1984) pp.111-137.
    3 《上海航空枢纽建设规划》(内部资料)
    4 《中国东方航空股份有限公司生产经营分析报告》(内部资料)
    1 耿书香主编,《航空公司运营管理方略》中国民航出版社2000年版,第192页。
    2 Bailey, Graham and Kaplan. Deregulating the Airlines,(Cambridge: MIT Press, 1985),p.47. Frank, When are Price Differentials Discriminatory? 2 J.Poly Analysis & Mgmt.(1983),p.240.
    3 Call and Kell, Air Deregulation, Fares, and Market Behavior, in Analytic Studies in Transportation Economics 221 (A Daughety ed. 1985),p.245.
    4 Schwartz, The nature and Scope of Contestability Theory, in Strategic Behavior and Industrial Competition (1986),pp.13-15.
    5 Spence, Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure: A Review Article, 21 J. Econ. (1983).
    6 Levine, Airline Competition in Deregulated Markets, pp.393-494.
    7 此模型基于Morrison和Winston的航空公司选择模型,并加以扩展。
    1 Avinish Dixit, A Modle of Duopoly Suggesting a Theory of Entry Barriers, Bell Journal of Economics 10 (Spring 1979), pp.20-30.
    2 John S. Mcgee, Industrial Organization (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988), p.200.
    3 威廉姆森:《反托拉斯经济学》经济科学出版社1999年版,第419页。
    4 McGee, Predatory Price Cutting: The Standard Oil(NJ.)Case, 1 J. L. & Econ. 137(1958).
    5 上文已论述过,公众对价格信息是极为敏感的,因此其传播快速且信息成本低。
    1 S. Morrison & C.Winston, The Economic Effects Of Airline Deregulation (1986)
    2 Carrier-Owned Reservation Systems, 14 C.F.R. 255,256 (1986)
    3 Renton & Gaudin, Reserving Judgment, Airline Business, Mar. 1987,at 18,19
    4 [美]威廉姆森:《资本主义经济制度》,商务印书馆2002年版,第47—52页。
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