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Efficient packet switching transmission,flexible scalability,and powerful end host make Internet be the blueprint of the new generation network.However, because of the design and development with spontaneous as-hoc model,and the changes of network environment and users need,there have been a lot of defects of Internet original design.
     This paper analysis the architecture shortcomings of Internet,with the object of providing pervasive service on packet network which is also the object of different research of new generation network,and introduces a Resource-Oriented(data,service) network design.Comparing with other researches,our research is a Top-Down system design,and uses Resource-Oriented to three main stages of network resource processing: registration,connection,and transform.This paper bases on the nation 973 project "Fundamental Research on the Architecture of Universal Trustworthy Network and Pervasive Services",the main research results and innovations are as follows:
     ①Based on "Identifier Separating Mapping Theory" of"Fundamental Research on the Architecture of Universal Trustworthy Network and Pervasive Services",this paper firstly introduces a Top-Down system design of Resource-Oriented network,and constructs the whole prototype including Web browse,download,and video on line.
     ②In the resource registration and finding stage,this paper designs and implements the mapping system based on Resource-Oriented and universal registration,which could solve the problems of DNS based on Host-Oriented,and makes Internet architecture integrity using connection identifier and its mapping.
     ③In the resource connection establish stage,this paper presents the connection and priority sub-connection establish based on Resource-Oriented and negotiation mechanism.This design supports flexible connection establish using the registration information,other network information and user preference.
     ④In the resource data transform stage,the paper introduces multi-connection and multi-path priority mapping mechanism and path choosing based on Resource-Oriented, which is a new transport layer framework.
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