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Underwater acoustic positioning, navigating and communicating are the basic applications of underwater system and widely used in ocean science field. But it is a more valuable application to combine underwater acoustic positioning, navigating and communicating. Original underwater acoustic positioning, navigating and communicating systems worked separately, had simplex function and low precision. When multi-system worked together, they usually cannot work compatibly with each other. Further more, they cannot perform commanding and communicating function to the underwater target during sea test and cannot meet the requirement of the test range. In order to meet the prestudy need of the large hydroacoustic synthetic measurement and control system of a test range of our country, considering the characteristics of long continental shelf and long distance from test sea area to coast, on the basis of analyzing and researching several correlative technologies, this paper lays emphasis on analysis of such key technologies as high definition command speech underwater acoustic communication at low bit rate, system positioning precision verify, array element coordinate measuring calibration, integration of underwater acoustic communication and navigation system etc, brings forward a general design philosophy about comprehensive underwater acoustic measurement and control system, which, based on active array element of buoyage, can perform the functions of underwater multi-target tracking, navigation and test commanding and underwater acoustic communication.
     The system conformity technologies are discussed, which adopted folding multifunction buoy to carry out multiobjective underwater acoustic positioning, navigating and communicating. By discussing such technologies as underwater acoustic and wireless communication protocol and system sound compatibility which are combined with underwater acoustic positioning, tracing and navigation, and underwater acoustic communication, a new underwater acoustic system is put forward. What is unusual in the system design is the accoustic positioning accuracy verifying technique, the self positioning buoyage structure and low rate but high definition command speech underwater acoustic communicating technology, which can realize large-scale and multi-target tracking and positioning with high accuracy, accurately navigating for underwater targets and high definition command speech communication.
     For the underwater acoustic positioning, beginning from the positioning data processing method, this paper analyzes and researches the correlative factors which influences system positioning error, brings forward a technology of buoyage array element underwater exactly self-positioning and calibration with short baseline combination positioning function, in which the average sound velocity is taken place by equivalent one measured practically, by combining with synchronization measuring technology, the positioning precision is improved, and the system dynamic positioning precision verifying technology on the sea is analyzed and researched.
     For the communication, domestic system and developing status of correlative underwater acoustic technology and wireless communication technology were briefly compared with abroad ones, a high definition command speech underwater acoustic communication method at very low rate is proposed. By researching on coding and decoding multimedia information of character and voice, the complicated sound underwater acoustic communication is turned into simple underwater acoustic code transfer. In addition, time frequency coding underwater acoustic communication technology and spread spectrum underwater acoustic communication were also discussed theoretically and researched by the test at sea.
     For the system positioning accuracy verifying, underwater position reference modeling method was reseached. An underwater acoustic positioning calibration system was developed. It's performance test on land and on the sea was carried out, and the results prove the efficiency of the method.
     Finally, through the laboratory emulation of buoyage array element self-positioning and system positioning precision, land verification of simulative targets' accurate position, sea test of united coding of message and voice, the main key technologies and solving method are proved to be reasonable and feasible, theoretical value, emulation value and test result coincide well. These technologies can realize the function and request of underwater acoustic comprehensive measure and control system.
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