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     本论文基于合理药物设计,共合成了四个系列109个新型ω-羧基取代的二苯硫脲类化合物,所合成的目标化合物均采用1HNMR、13C NMR和HRMS等表征手段进行了结构确证。经查阅文献证实,所合成的目标化合物绝大多数未见文献报道,其中化合物B9n和C9b采用单晶X-射线衍射进行了结构表征。
     抗肿瘤活性方而,针对人结肠癌细胞HCT116、人乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231、人肾癌细胞PC-3、非小细胞肺癌A549细胞、人肝癌细胞HepG2和小鼠黑色素瘤细胞B16BL6,采用MTT法对所得化合物(109个)进行了细胞毒活性测试,大多数化合物对HCT116和PC-3细胞具有抑制活性,化合物A9o、 A9p、B9p、B9q、B9r、B9s、B9x、B9aa、C9f、C9g、C9r、C9s、D9K、D9o、 D9p、D9q、D9r和D9ac的活性与阳性对照药物索拉非尼相当甚至优于索拉非尼。测试结果表明:大多数B和D系列化合物的体外抑瘤活性强于A和C系列的化合物。末端酰胺键上取代基的大小和形状影响其对体外肿瘤细胞增殖的抑制活性和选择性,A、B、C系列中,酰胺末端取代基R较小时(如甲基)活性较强,取代基R较大时(如苄基)抑制活性较差,R为环已基时,对HCT116和MDA-MB-231两种细胞的选择性较强,该类化合物对HCT1l6细胞的抑制活性要好于其它取代基,但大部分该类化合物对MDA-MB-231细胞无明显抑制活性。而D系列化合物中,R基团较大的化合物(如苄基)往往具有较好的细胞毒性。末端苯环上取代基对化合物的肿瘤细胞抑制活性影响较大,在所合成的四个系列目标化合物中,末端苯环上的吸电子基(如三氟甲基)能够增强化合物的细胞毒活性,而供电子取代基(如甲基)会降低相应化合物的肿瘤细胞抑制活性。
     酶活测试结果显示,目标化合物对EGFR激酶无明显抑制作用,部分化合物对ABL激酶有一定的抑制作用。在抑制新生血管生成方面,采用western blot检测了部分A系列化合物对细胞水平VEGFR磷酸化的抑制作用,用动脉环实验检测了部分D系列化合物的抗新生血管生成作用。western blot检测结果显示:所测化合物中A9m、A9o和A9p对VEGFR的磷酸化有一定抑制作用。这三个化合物的末端酰胺基上是甲基取代,并且在末端苯环上的取代基均含有3-CF3。动脉环实验结果显示,所测化合物中,D9g和D9p可以很好的抑制大鼠动脉环微血管的生成,化合物D9r在0.1μM浓度时能部分抑制大鼠动脉环微血管的生成,而化合物D9q在0.1μM浓度时则对大鼠动脉环微血管的生成没有明显的抑制作用。
Recent years, based on the achievement of chemical biology and bioinformatics the rational design of multitarget drugs is being the research direction ofanticancer drugs. Sorafenib, the first oral multikinase inhibitor, can inhibit several kinases involved in tumor proliferation and angiogenesis including Raf, VEGFR, PDGFR, KIT and so on. Due to the advantages of multi-mechanisms, broad-spectrum anticancer potency, and well-tolerated results in combination trials, more and more researchers have focused on the optimization of sorafenib in order to develop novel multi-targeted anticancer drugs.
     Based on the international current research works, by studying the active sites of sorafenib and using the strategies of rational drug design, we designed and synthesized four series of109targeted sorafenib derivatives, and tested their inhibitory activity against kinase EGFR and ABL1. In vitro anti-phosphorylation of VEGFR and anti-angiogenesis assay of some compounds was also investigated preliminarily. All compounds were evaluated by MTT assay for their in vitro cell cytotoxicity.
     In this dissertation, based on the strategies of rational drug design, four series of109new diaryl thiourea containing ω-carboxy group sorafenib derivatives, which have not been reported in the literature, were designed and synthesized, and all the structures were identified by ESI-MS, HRMS,1H NMR and13C NMR. The compounds B9n and C9b were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.
     The antiproliferative activities of109compounds against human colorectal carcinoma cell line (HCT116), human breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-231), human prostate cell (PC-3), non-small cell lung cancer (A549), human hepatocellular liver carcinoma cell line(HepG2) and murine melanoma (B16BL6) were evaluated. All compounds exhibited potent antiproliferative activity against HCT116and PC-3cells; some compounds (A9o, A9p, B9p, B9q, B9r, B9s, B9x, B9aa, C9f, C9g, C9r, C9s, D9k, D9o, D9p, D9q, D9r and D9ac) demonstrated competitive antiproliferative activities to sorafenib. The size and shape of the substitutes on the terminal amide may affect the activity and selectivity of these derivatives against cancer cells:In the series A, B and C, the larger substitutes might cause a decrease in cytotoxicity in general, while in D series, the large group may improve the cytotoxicity of the compounds. The effect of the substitutes on the terminal phenyl ring is important to the activity of the compounds, and in the four series:electron-withdrawing groups (such as-CF3) can enhance the cytotoxicity of compounds, while the electron-donating group may reduce the cytotoxicity of compounds.
     Enzyme test shows that all the target compounds have no inhibitory activity against EGFR, while some compounds can inhibit tyrosine kinase ABL1. Anti-angiogenesis activity was investigated from two aspects:a. the inhibitory activities of some compounds against the phosphorylation of VEGFR were evaluated by western blot; b. the anti-angiogenesis activity of some compounds was investigated by aorta ring assay. Western blot assay showed that compounds A9m, A9o, and A9p could inhibit the phosphorylation of VEGFR-2significantly. All these compounds have the methyl substitute on the terminal amide, and their substitutes in phenyl ring are3-CF3. The results of aorta ring assay showed that compounds D9g and D9p can significantly inhibit blood vessel formation at the concentration of0.1μM; D9r can partly block the formation of blood vessel; while the inhibitory ability of D9q is unconspicuous.
     Finally, the SAR study of some representative compounds was also investigated by molecular docking:scoring the docking of compounds with B-Raf and VEGFR-2; sketching the figure of interaction mode, and studying the force and connection of compounds with kinases.
     In summary, we designed and synthesized109new diaryl thiourea sorafenib derivatives in this dissertation. By preliminary bioactivity assay, we found several potential compounds such as compounds B9q、B9r、B9s、B9x、C9r、C9s、D9p、 D9q、D9r和D9ac, which need to be further developed in the future. The binding models of these compounds with B-Raf and VEGFR-2were also studied by SYBYL, which would be beneficial for further design and development of novel sorafenib derivatives.
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