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In recent years, as an important implementation platform of enhancing China's capacity for independent innovation and promoting the competitiveness of the industry, the industry-university-institute cooperation projects have played a decisive role in supporting technology development in the industry and promoting the industry transformation. However compared with innovative countries (the United States, Japan, Finland, etc.), there is still the gap of the innovation ability of our country, and China is lagging behind in these countries especially in the innovation output performance. In addition, the high-tech promoting policy is more focused on the introduction of "experts" and "talent" rather than the whole lifecycle control and supervision of industry-university-institute cooperation projects, and it leads to a series of scandals such as important scientific research achievements fraud and abuse of government-invested funds.
     The enterprises and research institutes establish cooperation relationship for the common goals and interests. For the process of industrial technology innovation needs much investments, is systematic, complexand of high risks, the highly steady cooperation relationship between participation organizations become important factors which can directly affect the success or failure of the project.Andonly from the perspective of system and factor research, the current domestic and foreign scholars in this area ignore the effective governance research of industry-university-institute cooperation projects, which leads to that the system research cannot be implemented in practice and the factor research lack the carrier. Thus this situation will inevitably affect national technology innovation system construction and the successful execution of cooperative projects.
     The main problem of project governance is the risk control and relationship maintenance of the project stakeholders, and the industry-university-institute cooperation project governance focus on the uncertain factors of stakeholders'actions during the process of project implementation, which takes the governance risks as the core research content.Therefore the effective definition, accurate measurement and evaluation of industry-university-institute cooperation project governance risks can not only guarantee the reliable, stable management environment, but also improve running reliability and efficiency of the project, which help the project managers take necessary precautions to avoid the project failure in face of governance risks.
     The paper is divided into4parts:
     The first part mainly included the research introduction and literature review. First of all, this paperreviewed the literature about the project governance risk roles and risks in chapter2, put forward the concept of governance roles and their responsibilities and obligations. Also it analyzed the research on industry-university-institute cooperation project factor/system risks, the relationship risks and governance infrastructure risks, proposed the new perspective which broke through the traditional factor risks, and reclassified the governance risks according to the governance infrastructure.
     The second part consisted of two contents, one wasto look for the governance activities which influencedthe innovation performance of industry-university-institute cooperation projects by using empirical research methods, classify these activities by factor analysis method, and then get the governance roles in the social network. Secondly, it verified the attribute risk classification indexes from the perspective of construction of project governance infrastructure.
     The third part constructed the duo-centered social network model of industry-university-institute cooperation projects and defined the connotation of the network elements. The main indexes of duo-centered social network and their management connotation were expounded in Chapter4, and the representative indexes for stakeholders' relationship risks were selected (limited degree, effective network size etc.)
     The fourth part included the Chapter5,6and7. The paper established comprehensive evaluation model of stakeholders' governance risks based on ANP, which put attribute and relationship risks into the network model and put forward the quantitative sequencing method for different stakeholders' governance risk.Moreover, the process of evaluation model was demonstrated in the case study and the corresponding policy suggestions were proposed. At last the paper put forward the conclusions, innovative points and the research prospect.
     The conclusionsare as follows:
     1. The governance risks in industry-university-institute cooperation projects can be divided into attribute and relationship risks from the perspective of stakeholders. Through empirical research, this article induced the industry-university-institute cooperation project governance roles for planning roles, implementing roles, resource maintenance role and supervision roles. At the same time it verified the importance of the five governance attribute risksand the result showed that secondary index can better reflect the five governance infrastructure risks which provided the basis for establishing governance risk attribute evaluation index.
     2. Duo-centered social network can effectively express the social relationship between stakeholders in industry-university-institute cooperation projects, and through analysis and comparison of a series of indexes; the effective network scale and the limited degree index can quantify the relationship risks of stakeholders in the network. In the duo-centered social network, the two indexes can reflect the degree one stakeholder was limited by other ones, and the ability to control resources, information channels. Based on this situation, different stakeholders should formulate their own strategies to improve the operation efficiency of the network according to their own position in the network.
     3. Through the establishment of industry-university-institute cooperation project governance risk model based on ANP, the paper can build logic connection between attribute and the relationship risks, and can better quantify the risks faced by stakeholders. Also the whole demonstration process of case analysis proved the operability of the model.
     For the problem of governance risk evaluation is a multi-dimensional containing both attribute and relationship risks, and the stakeholders were not independent, which meant the evaluation elementswere associated with each other, the ANP method was suitable to demonstrate the relationship risks.
     The research took the attribute risksand stakeholders as the element groups in ANP model, and the relationship between the attribute risks and stakeholders through can be achieved by the correlation relationship matrix, the relationship between the stakeholders can be defined through effective network scale and the limiteddegree.After calculation, the list of stakeholders' governance risk degree can be showed. By applying the model into the case, the risk influence degree of each stakeholder and each attribute risk to the objective can be achieved.
     The research innovation points are listed in4aspects:
     1. This paper established the governance risk classification theory of industry-university-institute cooperation projects with more generality, classified the attribute risks from the perspective of governance infrastructure, and verified the attribute risks and governance roles. This research overcame the limitations of existing project governance risk theory with particularity, and divided the risks into attributes and relationship risks from the perspective of stakeholders.This kind of classification method was more universal than other research, and made it more conducive to use unified methodology for the quantitative analysis of stakeholders' governance risks.
     2. This paper puts forward the research hypotheses of project governanceinfrastructure, and the project attribute risks and governance roleswere verified. This conclusion provided a new and unified perspective of establishing attribute risk framework,and laid a theoretical foundation of establishing social relationship between stakeholders.
     3. This paper applied duo-centered social network theory in the relationship risks research of cooperation projects, and established theduo-centered social network model, redefined the connotation andmanagement meaning of indexes.This model overcame the disadvantages of traditional social network theory, and was easier to express the network situation and status of stakeholders in the project and reflect the relationship risk situation between them.
     4. The paper proposed the comprehensive risk evaluation method based on the unified governance framework. Through linking the attribute risks and relationship risks, the paper expanded the current theory which focused on only one kind of risk types and measured the integrated governance risks of the stakeholders, provided a feasible method in stakeholders' governance risk evaluation.
     From the perspective of governance risk evaluation of industry-university-institute cooperation projects, the paper tried to express, quantify and integrate the attribute and relationship risks, and was a new attempt. However, due to the limitations of research means and the complexity of industry-university-institute cooperation projects, there are still several limitations. First of all, the research should take the whole network risks of structure risks into consideration in the evaluation system. Secondly, according to the differences of project scales, the industries and sources of investments, the social relationship between project stakeholders should be classified further. In the future, more social network types should be introduced and the network classification, the independence of stakeholders' relationships as well as the weighed method should be considered.
     Thirdly during the process of selecting the social network indexes and evaluation methods, the research is still lack of perspectives from multiple management dimensions. Fourthly, as the development forms of industry-university-institutecooperation organizationsare increasingly diversified, the governance risk evaluation should be change from single project governance evaluation into portfolio evaluation from multiple organizations, so the problem of effects and coordination of multiple social networks will be the new direction of future research.
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    ③ 主要是指合作各方占有资源和信息不同带来的风险、诚信危机、对合作方理解的偏差带来的风险。
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