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     语言测试的历史大致分为三个阶段,前科学阶段(-至20世纪40年代),心理测量 与结构主义阶段(20世纪50至60年代),综合与社会语言学时期(20世纪70年代到至今)。前科学时期的特点是测试方法主要为翻译,评分方法较主观。它的优点主要是试题的设计简单易行,而缺点主要是考试结果并不能完全反映学生的水平,评分耗时,其他的如听、说等语言技能不能检测出来。心理测量与结构主义时期主要的特点是多项选择题这种离散性题型开始使用,评分方法以客观性为主。它的优点在于评分较为简单。缺点就是试题的设计难度较高。综合与社会语言学时期的主要特点是整体性测试备受推崇,测试的重点转向测试交际水平。人们较喜欢以任务为主的考试。这个时期主要的测试方法以完形填空、口试、听写和作文等为主。
     完形填空又叫完形程序。这一测试方法1953年由威尔逊.泰勒创设,用来测试以英语为本族语的人所阅读的文章的难度。此后,拉德尔等人多次在研究中发现完形填空是测试阅读能力的一种灵敏度很高的测试手段。他们的研究表明,完形测试和多项选择题的阅读理 解题考试有很高的相关。斯温的研究也表明完形测试和语言成绩考试有很高的相关。因此完形测试也是测试学生外语总体能力的一种手段。完形填空的研究也表明,它能测出离散
The thesis is intended to prove that cloze test is a highly valid and economical way to test integrative ability by making a validity research on cloze test.
    In language testing history, there always believed to be three periods: pre-scientific, psychometric-structuralist, integrative-sociolinguistics periods. In pre-scientific period, the main characteristic is that the testing method is translation. It's easy to design and the scoring of the test is subjective. The disadvantages are that the results cannot scientifically reflect the students' language level and other abilities, such as listening and speaking skills cannot be tested. The main characteristics in psychometric-structuralist period are that multiple-choice items are used and scoring is objective. The results are said to reflect the students' level and the scoring of the paper is fairly easy. In integrative-sociolinguistics period, the characteristics are that holistic tests are favored. The emphasis of testing is shifted to communication and task-based tests are favored. Cloze test, oral interview and dictation are used widely.
    We have known that the cloze test develops with the integrative-sociolinguistics period in the language testing history. The theoretical basis of cloze test is believed to link with: l.The sociolinguistics, which developed the idea of context, influenced cloze test much. 2. Gestalt Psychology. The notion is that people have the ability of closure, i.e. the ability to complete an incomplete pattern. The nature is the same as the process of reconstructing the passage that misses some words. 3. Redundancy Information. The redundancy information provided by natural language makes it possible to restore the missing words hi order to reconstruct textual coherence. 4. Pragmatic Expectancy Grammar. Oiler (1979) believed that it's the base of people's language ability that is internalized in people's mind. It can help people express and communicate with each other. The trait is independent of any particular test, and therefore any classical cloze test is expected to set the mental process enabling closure to take place into action. The behavior exhibited by examinees, their ability to replace the missing elements as expressed by then- scores on the test, permits conclusions to be drawn about the quality or efficiency of this internalized grammar.
    The cloze test originated in the 1950s as a means of assessing the difficulty of a reading test for native speakers. Other studies soon indicated that cloze might also be a valid way of measuring native-speaker reading ability. The validity coefficient in these studies ranged from .61 to .95 between cloze tests and standardized reading examinations (Brown, J.D. 1983:238). It then was suggested that it could be used
    for assessing learners' progress of second and foreign language. Many researchers believe that cloze test is a valid and economical way to test foreign language ability.
    Although cloze test is believed to be an integrative test, the following questions should be understood clearly. For instance, what abilities on earth can be measured by cloze test? Is cloze test valid? How can we design a valid cloze test? What implications can we discover for our foreign language teaching?
    If the test is not valid for it wants to test, then the scores of the test will mean nothing for what its original purpose. Validity includes internal and external types. Internal validity includes face, content and response validity. External validity includes concurrent, predictive and construct validity. Validity research on test items will prove whether a test is valid or not. Therefore, the thesis aims to prove cloze test is a valid and economical way for testing global ability by making the validity research on cloze test. The content of doing the research is: 1. To see face, content validity of the self-designed cloze test. 2. Check the concurrent validity by comparing the con-elation coefficient of self-designed cloze test and TOEFL and composition. 3.Quoting the other validity research
1. Alderson, J. Charles, et, al.1995. Language Test Construction and Evaluation. London: Cambridge University Press
    2. Alderson, J. Charles. 1983. " The cloze procedure and proficiency in English as a foreign language". Reprinted in Oiler, J.W. Issues in Language Testing Research. Rouley Mass: Newbury House Publisher, Inc.
    3. Backer, D. 1989. Language testing: A Critical Survey and practical Guide. Edward Arnold: A Division of Hodder & Stoughton.
    4. Bachman, L.F. 1990, Fundamental Consideration in Language Testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press
    5. Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents Englewood Cliffs.
    6. Brown, J.D. 1983. " A closer look at cloze: validity and reliability" Reprinted in Oiler, J.W. Issues in Language Testing Research. Rouley Mass: Newbury House Publisher, Inc.
    7. Canale, M. and Swain, M. 1980. Theoretical Basis of communicative Approached to Second Language Teaching and Testing. Applied Linguistics, I: 1-47
    8. Clarke, M.A. et, al. 1998 Choice Reading Michigan: The University of Michigan Press reprinted by Beijing World Publishing Corporation
    9. Ebel, R.L and D.A. Frisbie. 1991. Essentials of Educational Measurement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ; Prentice-Hall
    10. Garbutt,M&O'sullivan,K.1997. 《IELTS考试指南及模拟试题》 广东:广东世界图书出版公司
    11. Harmer, J. 1983. The Practice of English Language Teaching Longman: Longman Group Limited
    12. Harrison, A. 1983. A Language Testing Handbook. London: Macmillan Press London.
    13. Henning, G. 1987. A Guide to Language Testing. Cambridge, Mass: Newbury House.
    14. Hughes, A. 1989. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    15. Heaten, J. B. 1990. Classroom Testing. London: Longman Group UK Limit
    16. Ingram, E. 1977. Basic Concepts in Testing. In J.P.B Allen and A. Davies (eds)
    17. Kerlinger, F.N. 1973 Foundations of Behavioral Research. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
    18.Klein Braley, C. 1985. "A cloze-up on the C-test: a study in the Construct Validation of Authentic Tests ". Language Testing.2 (1): 76-104
    19.Klein Braley, C. 1983. "A cloze is a cloze is a question". Reprinted in Oller, J.W. Issues in Language Testing Research. Rouley Mass: Newbury House Publisher, Inc.
    20.Madsen, H. S. 1983. Techniques in Testing. London: Oxford University Press.
    21.Oller, J.W. 1979. Language Test at School. London: Longman
    22.Oller, J.W. (ed). 1983. Issues in Language Testing Research. Rouley Mass Newbury House Publisher, Inc. pp203-250
    23.Shohamy, E. 1983 "Interrater and intrarater reliability of the oral interview and concurrent validity with cloze procedure in Hebrew" Reprinted in Oiler, J.W. Issues in Language Testing Research. Rouley Mass: Newbury House Publisher, Inc.
    24.Spolsky, Bernard. 1978. Linguists and language testers. Arlington, VA: Center for Applied Linguistics.
    29.<日>Sandra S.Fotos著 金木编译.“完形填空能作为整体语言能力测试手段码?”,《国外外语教学》1993年第2期
    31.舒运祥。1999 《外语测试的理论与方法》。上海:世界图书出版公司。
    32.邹申1998 《英语语言测试》—理论与操作 上海:上海外语教育出版社

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