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近10 多年来,在役桥式起重机桥架结构由于承载能力不足引起的坍塌事故时有发生,特别是近几年以来,我国在80 年代以前投产的桥式起重机相当一部分已经达到报废时限,但是出于生产成本的考虑,很大一部分起重机依然超期服役。为了保证其安全运行,为生产使用提供科学理论依据,本课题提出了以科学测试数据为基础,以结构可靠性为理论为依据的桥式起重机桥架结构承载能力综合、系统的评估方法。
In the nearly 10 years, some collapse accidents occasionally happened due to bearing capacity deficiency of the bridge-crane structure in service. Especially in recent years, a great part of the bridge-cranes be produced before 1980’s are step into the stage of aging, but for reason of the cost, some of them are still in used as before. In order to evaluate the bearing capacity correctly for the sake of production safety, this paper developed a method based on the tested data and the theory of reliability to evaluate the bearing capacity of the bridge-crane structures.
    The paper firstly simulates the real bearing conditions of the bridge-crane, and establishes the finite element analysis model of the crane structure, and get the stress distribution and the weak bearing capacity points of the bridge-crane structure. In order to fully get the real bearing conditions of bridge-crane and get the correct data for the bearing capacity reliability evaluation, develop a method on testing the bearing capacity of weak points of the bridge-crane structure, including the methods of no destruction test and stress test.
    On the base of finite element analysis and testing on the bearing capacity, set up reliability evaluate model based on the bearing capacity of the bridge-crane structure. The model fully considers the random of the factors that affect the bearing capacity, and evaluate the bearing capacity in certain evaluate norms. In order to conveniently use the method in practice, developed a bearing capacity evaluation software.
    Furthermore, this paper firstly put the theory of random and fuzzy reliability theory into the evaluate research of the bearing capacity of the bridge-cranes. Both consider the random and fuzzy factors of the bearing capability of the bridge-cranes, setup a evaluate model based on the above theory.
    At the end, summarize the theory of the bearing capacity evaluation method for the bridge-crane structures, and foretell the advanced research.
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