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System simulation is a theoretical and methodological system, which takes computer and corresponding simulation software as tools for conducting experimental study. Being able to explore the deep level movement mechanism and regularity of complex systems, system simulation embodies experimental thinking approach and has scientific apriority. In modern society, system simulation, especially discrete event system simulation, has become a hotspot in many scientific research fields, as well as one of national and national defense key development plans. A large number of systems can be described as discrete event system in real world, such as classic queue systems and inventory systems, manufacturing systems, computer network systems and etc. And in recent years, more simulation and research attention has been focused on society, economy and ecosystem, which are more complex systems. During the planning, designing, running and transformation stages of these systems, discrete event simulation technology will definitely play a more and more important role.
     Along with the ongoing development of simulation software which is oriented to application and users, there has appeared lots of discrete event simulation software in the world. But most of these softwares are commercial and designed by foreign people, and in these aspects there is certain gap compared with overseas countries. In view of the fact that discrete event simulation technology has become increasingly significant in scientific research and enterprise's R&D, if we can design a general purpose discrete event simulation software which is general, efficient for modeling, easy to use and above all has our independent intellectual property, from this point of view, it will have very great significance in improving computer simulation application level of our country, decreasing scientific and enterprise application research cost, enhancing national scientific & technical strength and enterprise core competence. And this is the main motive of my topic choice and the importance of this paper.
     Based on the massive and extensive abstract analysis of the commonness of general discrete event simulation application and combined with object oriented methods, a general purpose discrete event simulation platform class library was designed and presented. This simulation platform class library encapsulates many basic features of discrete event simulation and pre-defines lots of typical function modules. It is fast, easy to use and has good generality and expansibility. It is also easy for integrating and secondary development, so it can be applied to many application fields which have different scale and complexity. Compared with the existing similar simulation software packages, this simulation platform class library has the following advantages: clear and direct viewing design structure, simple and pellucid high level modeling ideas and methods, easy and effective using method, flexible data sampling and statistic analytical mechanism, strong simulation experiment design and control ability, and fast and efficient program execution. Using this discrete event simulation platform, simulation developers, who only know a little about C++ programming, will be able to concentrate on the system analysis and logical description. They don’t have to spend much time writing common and low level code, which will to a great extent reduce much programming, testing and maintaining work and will obviously improve working efficiency.
     Through several typical discrete event simulation application examples which differ in behavior and complexity and a large scale harbor logistics system simulation model, this article give a detailed and comprehensive description of the usage of this simulation platform and many merits and characteristics of it, in the mean time its application value and application prospect is also highlighted.
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