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     在对相关文献进行系统梳理,特别是对Collier和Thomas的文化身份理论(Cultural Identity Theory)、Ting-Toomey的身份协商理论(Identity NegotiationTheory)解读的基础上,通过问卷调查、焦点小组访谈等方式,对EFL学习者文化认同和文化身份焦虑现状、文化认同和文化身份焦虑在四个不同文化维度及人口变量上的差异、文化认同和文化身份焦虑的相关性以及外语教学中中国文化教学的情况等进行实证分析,并得出以下结论:
     在实证研究的基础上,分析了中国语境下EFL学习者文化身份焦虑的成因:第一,从社会心理来看,社会转型期,急剧的社会变化使整个社会范围内出现了社会心理失衡、不安全感、不确定感、危机感,这对EFL学习者的社会心理产生重要影响。第二,从语境来看,受全球化特别是网络影响的当今中国语境下,通俗性娱乐性消遣性刺激性的西方文化冲击着中国文化, EFL学习者弱化了对中国文化的诉求和认同,产生了文化身份焦虑现象。第三,从语言学习来看,语言是文化身份的符号。由于目的语文化的单向输入、母语文化的缺失以及学习者缺乏对包含在语言之中的思想意识和价值观念的分辨能力和批判性的接受能力,EFL学习者出现对自身文化认同感不强及文化身份的焦虑。第四,从价值观来看,由于EFL学习者在思想认知、情感认识、心理稳定性等方面都不成熟,缺乏理性思考,容易受到西方文化中生活方式和个体主义价值观念的影响。
     随后,具体分析了目前我国外语教学中文化教学现状特别是中国文化教学的缺失现象。指出,在外语教学中存在着西方文化的单一文化主导模式的现象,主要体现在教学目标、课程设置、教师的教学、教材和评价体系等都是由英语主导。提出,为了达到跨文化交际的目的,实现双重文化介入(dual cultural involvement),增强EFL学习者中国文化意识,加强中国文化的输入是很有必要的,也是十分迫切的。
With the development of globalization, cultural identity in interculturalcommunication has become a salient issue. Therefore, localized researches onintercultural communication, especially on cultural identity, have aroused muchacademic attention in the contemporary context of globalization. From indigenousresearch perspective, this study chooses Chinese EFL learners as its research object,and discusses their cultural identification and cultural identity anxiety in the processof learning English in contemporary China based on empirical study, and psychology,sociology, pedagogy, intercultural communication. This study aims at EFL learners’cultural identity anxiety and the factors and expects to attach importance to culture,especially Chinese culture in foreign language teaching so as to improve EFLlearners’ awareness and identification of Chinese culture as well as their interculturalcompetence.
     Based on a systematic literature review, especially interpretation of CulturalIdentity Theory by Collier and Thomas and Identity Negotiation Theory by Ting-Toomey, this study has made an empirical analysis of the status of culturalidentification and cultural identity anxiety among EFL learners, their variances of fourdifferent cultural dimensions and demographic variables, the correlation betweencultural identification and identity anxiety, as well as the teaching status quo ofChinese culture in foreign language teaching, through a questionnaire survey andfocus group interviews. The results show as the following:
     1. From the perspective of cultural identification, EFL learners have higherdegree of Chinese cultural identification than that of western cultural identification.There are no big differences between them. However, there are variations on culturedimensions: With regards to Chinese cultural identification, language is the highest.The next is values. For western cultural identification, social norms are the highest.The next is cultural behaviors.
     2. Variations on cultural identification can be found on such demographic variables as gender and regions. For Chinese cultural identification, rural studentshave stronger sense than urban students. Male students have stronger sense thanfemale students. For western cultural identification, urban students have strongersense than rural students. Female students have stronger sense than male students.
     3. From the perspective of cultural identity anxiety, EFL learners do experiencesome cultural identity anxieties, including the appreciation, approbation andacceptance of the western culture, and the doubts, worry, rejection and antipathytowards Chinese culture. These anxieties are nearly medium-sized, and are reflectedin the culture dimensions of social norms and cultural behaviors.
     4. Variations on cultural identity anxiety can be found on such demographicvariables as gender and regions. For instance, urban students are higher than ruralstudents. Female students are higher than male students.
     5. Correlation exists between cultural identification and cultural identity anxiety:Chinese cultural identification and cultural identity anxiety are negatively correlated,namely, the higher the Chinese cultural identification is, the lower cultural identityanxiety. Western cultural identification and cultural identity anxiety are positivelycorrelated, namely, the higher the western cultural identification is, the bigger culturalidentity anxiety. Correlation differs in accordance with the culture dimensions andcultural identity anxiety. In terms of Chinese cultural identification, social norms andcultural identity anxiety are the most correlated. In terms of western culturalidentification, cultural behaviors and cultural identity anxiety are the most correlated.Cultural behaviors have greater influences on cultural identity anxiety.
     Based on the empirical finding, this study analyzed the factors for the culturalidentity anxiety of EFL learners in the Chinese context: Firstly, from a socialpsychological point of view, dramatic changes in the process of social transformationhave given rise to a universal state of mind of social psychological imbalance, senseof insecurity, uncertainty and crisis, which have great influences on EFL learners’social psychology. Secondly, under the present Chinese context intertwined withglobalization and internet culture, EFL learners have been greatly influenced bywestern cultures, striving for popularity, entertainment, recreation and excitement; hence, a cultural identity anxiety is caused due to their weaker need in pursuit of andidentification of their Chinese culture identity. Thirdly, from the point of languagelearning, language is a symbol of cultural identity. Due to the influence of onefoldinput of target language culture, the lack of home culture education as well aslearners’ weak critical ability in absorbing the ideology and values conveyed in thetarget language, it is bound to bring about weak identification on their own cultureand cultural identity. Fourthly, due to EFL learners’ immaturity in ideologicalcognition, emotional and psychological stability, they are lack of rational thinking,vulnerable to the lifestyle and individualism of western cultural values.
     Furthermore, this study analyzed the current situation of culture teaching inforeign language classroom, especially the deficiency of Chinese culture. The studyshows that the foreign language teaching is characterized by onefold culture input--English culture input, and the teaching aim, course design, teaching method, teachingmaterials and evaluation system are all English dominated. So, it is suggested that weshould promote and strengthen Chinese culture input in foreign language teaching inorder to prepare students with more Chinese culture awareness and effectivecross-cultural communication competence.
     Finally, strategies are put forward to reinforce the input of Chinese culture inforeign language teaching as well as to deal with the EFL learners’ cultural identityanxiety from both macroscopic and microscopic aspects. On the one hand,macroscopic measures should be taken, which mainly aim at revising the presentnational English teaching curriculum, which ignores cultural education, especiallyChinese culture education. These measures include the following aspects: first,revising the teaching objective in the present syllabus; second, revising the originalteaching aims; third, clarifying the contents of cultural education, especially thecontents of Chinese culture. On the other hand, microscopic measures are suggested,which involve the innovation on practical teaching environment in the following fiveaspects: the first is to adjust course provisions and increase English courses onChinese culture learning; the second focuses on the optimization of English teachingcontent and the increase of “China English” input; the third is concerned with the proper choice of more teaching materials on Chinese culture; the fourth is aimed atinnovating the teaching methods and immersing students in Chinese culture; the fifthis to add the testing content of “China English”. These five aspects are expected toprovide the approach, content, implementation, methods and evaluation system toguarantee goal of Chinese culture input.
     This study is new in perspective because it makes indigenous research onintercultural communication in interdisciplinary way. It is expected that this study canexpand the horizon for the studies of EFL learners and cultural identity in interculturalcommunication and provide related data for future researches. It is of practical valuefor foreign language teaching research, and is able to make contributions to culturalidentity studies in intercultural communication. Therefore, this study has bothacademic and practical significance.
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