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Wth the develoPmnt and aPplication of GPS, the research of errors of GPS
    becomes more precise and scientific. AAnosphere refraction is a main error in
    GPS surveying. The error of atmosphere refraction mainly lies on the inner
    stfuCtue of inosphere and the SPatial relation of Station and satellite. Based on
    the characteristic of atmosphere influence, the atmosphere affection to GPS
    surveying is divided into the neuter atmosphere affection and the ionosPhere
    affection. It is a cornrnon method for domestic and overseas researchers to use the
    theory of driosphere propagation to establish the theory of aAnosphere refraction
    and the correcting model. In order to estabIish a more effective method fOr
    correcting, tWo kinds of atmoSPhere affection in GPS surveying are studied in
    this paPeL
    The main achievements of this paPer are as follows'
    l. The basic concept of troPospheric refraction is defined. It is reduced to
    speed delny and inflecting delay. Thereinto, the speed delay is the
    major error other than the inflecting delay. Only if When the satellite
    elevation angle is less than l0 degree or the altitude of station is very
    low the infiecting delay is taken into account. Othebose, the error wll
    increase about l0cm.
    2. By analyzing and comparing differences betWeen the global
    atriosPhere mode1 and the 1ocal atmosphere model, it is found that the
    correct is very deficient when the aAnosphere of the Qing-Zang
    Tableland is corrected with the standard atmosphere model. TherefOre,
    by using meteorologic data of the Qing~Zang TabIeland, the locaI
    aAnosPhere refraction correction model of the Qing-Zang Tableland is
    Put rorwaru.
    3. Theories of atInosphere refraction and correcting methods are
    researched systemically And differences and sensitivities of aIl kinds
    of zenith delays and projection functions are compared. Thus,
    temperature is regarded as the main factor to bring differences between
    zenith deIay models and there are some diff'erences between Proection
    functions only when the satellite elevation angle is small.
    4. An estimation teclmique used fOr estimating the atmosphere affection
    in GPS surveying is set uP. By comparing baseline repetition, it is
    concluded that the random estimation process is the best solution for calculating atmosphere refraction.
    5. Based on atmosphere forecasting mode, the theory of atmosphere correction is brought forward and a new method for correcting the atmosphere delay is attempted. And methods for application of GPS in meteology are studied, which provide new approaches for forecasting precinpitable water.
    6. The main affection of ionosphere to GPS is analyzed. Based on the main characteristic of group delay and phase delay or the primary characteristic of single frequency and double frequency, all kinds of techniques are discussed. Furthermore, the arithmetic of grid correction and its corrective precision in WAAS are studied.
    7. In DGPS, principles and methods for correcting ionosphere parameters of single frequency receiver are introduced. Analyzing from most ionosphere correction methods, we know that the essential characteristic of ionosphere correction is that it take advantage of the correlation of ionosphere. The degree of correlation determines user抯 total electron content. Besides, it is an effective way to use GPS to reflect relative changes of ionosphere.
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