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The college English teaching is confronting an unprecedented challenge because of the increasing enrollment at present. A survey has indicated that there are about 20-40 students in a teaching class in the past, however we have at least 50-100 students in each teaching class nowadays. The ratio of teachers to students is 1:100. The related exports, in recent years, have conducted the studies on English teaching in large class and found that it is difficult for teacher to make contact with the students duly and all-roundly in large class; the communicative approach is hard to be implemented, thus it is not easy for teacher to organize the creative and vivid teaching activities. In the meantime, the traditional teaching methods of teacher-centered teaching and imparting linguistic knowledge only are facing challenge. With the application of modern information and technology, the mode of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) is widely used in English teaching, thus it has become a trend. At present, the scholars both at home and abroad have the same opinions on online-teaching in large class after their studies. They argued that network teaching has shown its great potential and played an active role in resolving the teaching problems existing in large class. It is an experience with significance of practice and is worth popularizing.
     Inspired by the research modes and results gained at home and abroad and based on constructivism, and according to the characteristics of English teaching in large class, Taking the English teaching experiment of Yulin Teacher’s College as the example, we have probed into the problems of collaborative learning, individualization of instruction and autonomous learning with the help of modern information technology and the experience we have got during the courseware design. The problems such as the principles of constructing the environment of online-learning, the learning strategies and the roles of teacher and students playing in network teaching are much concerned. Based on what we have achieved from the key project of the tenth-five-year educational planning in Guangxi ----the mode of classroom teaching + students’autonomous learning in network class, we set the theme of the study which has the aim of dealing with the problems how to engage college English instruction in the Internet environment. The ways of the study are: To set a College English teaching experimental website in Yulin Teacher’s College under the present conditions of network technology; To conduct English
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