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液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas,以下简称LNG)具有便于运输和储存、使用安全的特点,在过去的几十年中,世界LNG消费量大幅度增加,各国均将液化天然气作为一种低排放的清洁燃料加以推广。LNG储罐是存储、使用LNG过程中所用到的重要设备。目前国外对LNG储罐已有不少研究成果并且很多成果已应用到工程实际中,但是针对LNG储罐内、外罐壁在静力荷载作用下的受力性能和变形规律研究还不是十分完善,同时结构设计人员也迫切需要了解LNG储罐在承受各种静力荷载时的内力及变形规律。因此,开展LNG储罐在静力荷载作用下受力性能分析研究具有重要的意义。
Liquefied Natural Gas (hereinafter referred to as LNG) has the features of convenient transport and storage, safety use. In the past few decades, the world LNG consumption has a substantial increase, all countries put LNG as a clean fuel with low emissions to promote them. LNG tank is the important equipment in storage, use of LNG tank. There has been a lot of research results abroad and many of them have been applied to engineering practice, but for mechanical properties and deformation of inside and outside wall of the LNG storage tank under static loads is not perfect, meanwhile, structural designers also have an urgent need for internal force and deformation of LNG tanks under a variety of static loads. Therefore, we shoud have an in-depth study of mechanical properties of LNG storage tank.
     In this paper, the actual project has been researched, existing finite element software ANSYS has been used for the static load analysis of the LNG storage tank, the mechanical properties and deformation under different load has been researched, so as to provide a reliable design basis for calculation and analysis. The main contents include:
     1.The development of large LNG storage tanks, structural forms, their development at home and abroad and study conditions has been brief introduced. The features, functions and analysis steps of ANSYS10.0 finite element software has been simple introduced, LNG storage tanks has been reduced to shell problems, and then selecting appropriate units, using the finite element software to establish the finite element model of inside and outside wall of LNG tank;
     2.The method of calculation of the tank wall stress that "short cylindrical shell Law", "long cylindrical shell Law" has been introduced, and a new combination of cylindrical shell method that reference to the U.S. API650 (American Petroleum Institute Standard)tank wall thickness design methods, combine with the stress distribution anchorage tank also be introduced. Static analysis of ANSYS has been used to pressure the finite element model of inside and outside wall of LNG tank analysis, obtain stress distribution and deformation;
     3.The basic characteristics of natural wind and the specification of parameters on the wind load has been systematic introducted, APDL language of ANSYS10.0 has been used to program the circumferential pressure distribution of the LNG storage tank, Static analysis of ANSYS has been used to pressure the finite element model of outside wall of LNG tank analysis, obtain stress distribution and deformation.
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