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鼠疫的病原是鼠疫耶尔森氏菌(Yersinia pestis,简称鼠疫菌),属于肠杆菌科耶尔森氏菌属。鼠疫在历史上曾经引发三次世界范围的鼠疫大流行,给人类带来巨大的灾难。2000年,世界卫生组织已经将鼠疫列为重新抬头的传染病。鼠疫菌是传统的生物战剂,同时还是国际恐怖分子可能用于制造生物恐怖的首选微生物之一。鼠疫对于人类健康仍然是一个巨大的威胁,尤其是败血症鼠疫和肺鼠疫,若未及时治疗,通常是致命的。抗生素治疗(例如四环素和链霉素)被WHO专家委员会认为是治疗鼠疫的“金标准”,然而,耐药性鼠疫菌的出现给我们敲响了警钟,需要研制能够替代抗生素的方案。1995年在腺鼠疫患者体内分离到了第一株多重耐药鼠疫菌株,该菌株携带了能够抵抗12种抗生素(包括所有用于鼠疫预防和治疗的抗生素)的耐药基因。鼠疫菌噬菌体(bacteriophage)因对宿主的高度特异性和敏感性,对临床诊断和流行病学调查具有重要意义。随着多重耐药(multidrug resistant)鼠疫菌株的出现,噬菌体有可能成为预防和治疗鼠疫菌感染的抗生素替代品。
     本研究以噬菌体Yep-phi为对象,鉴定了噬菌体受体结合蛋白与受体,通过噬菌体吸附实验、噬菌斑实验、亲和层析和Western Blotting实验,证实了除了鼠疫菌的LPS之外,外膜蛋白OmpF和Ail也是噬菌体受体,并评价了鼠疫菌受体突变株与回补株的裂解效率,鉴定了相互作用的结构域和介导相互作用的关键氨基酸。尾丝蛋白gp17第510-529位氨基酸是介导相互作用的结构域,尾丝蛋白518N、519N、523S是识别OmpF的关键位点,而518N、519N、522C和523S是识别Ail的关键位点。本研究首次鉴定了外膜蛋白可作为T7类噬菌体的受体。而Yep-phi受体与其它T7类噬菌体的差别是由尾丝蛋白的序列特异性所决定的,这项工作证实了尾丝蛋白在进化中和多样的噬菌体系统中的重要性,同时对于发展噬菌体治疗鼠疫菌感染和鉴定鼠疫菌的技术以及理解噬菌体与细菌的相互作用具有重要意义。
Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, belongs to the familyEnterobacteriaceae genus Yersinia. Yersinia pestis has killed hundreds of millions ofpeople in the three major historical plague pandemics. The World HealthOrganization (WHO) has classified plague as a re-emerging infectious disease in2000.Y. pestis has gained much attention as a possible biowarfare agent that could bemisused by bioterrorists. Plague still poses a significant threat to human health. Thesepticaemic and pneumonic forms are always lethal if untreated in time. The use ofantibiotics such as streptomycin and tetracycline for treating plague has beenembraced by the World Health Organization Expert Committee on Plague as the 'goldstandard' treatment scheme. However, concerns regarding the development ofantibiotic-resistant Y. pestis strains have led to the exploration of alternatives toantibiotics. In1995, multiple drug-resistant strains of Y. pestis have been isolatedfrom patients with bubonic plague. One of them carried genes of high-level resistanceto12antibiotics, including virtually all of the drugs commonly used for plagueprophylaxis and treatment. Y. pestis phages play an important role in clinicaldiagnosis and epidemiological investigation due to their high specificity andsensitivity to its host. With the emergence of multiple drug-resistant Yersinia pestis,phages could be used as alternatives to antibiotics for the prevention and treatment ofplague.
     Yep-phi, a lytic phage of Y. pestis and a member of the T7family, was isolatedin China and is routinely used as a diagnostic phage for the identification of theplague pathogen. Yep-phi infects Y. pestis grown at both20°C and37°C, and isinactive in other Yersinia species irrespective of the growth temperature. Yep-phi hasan isometric hexagonal head containing dsDNA and a short non-contractile conicaltail. In this study, we sequenced the Yep-phi genome (GenBank accession no.HQ333270) and performed proteomics analysis. The genome consists of38,611bp ofDNA, including direct terminal repeats of217bp, and is predicted to contain45ORFs.The G+C content of the Yep-phi genome is47.12%, similar to that (47.6%) of itshost Y. pestis. Compared with the three available genome sequences of lytic phagesfor Y. pestis, the phages could be divided into two subgroups. Yep-phi displaysmarked homology to the bacteriophages Berlin (GenBank accession no. AM183667)and Yepe2(GenBank accession no. EU734170), and these comprise one subgroup.The other subgroup is represented by bacteriophage PhiA1122(GenBank accession no. AY247822). Homologous recombination is a powerful source of geneticvariability and a potent evolutionary mechanism for closely related bacteriophages.Recombination analysis detected four potential recombination events in the Yep-phisubgroup.
     Phage’s host specificity depends largely on the recognition and adsorption of thephage to its host surface receptors. Therefore, it is critical to understand the process ofphage lysis by exploring the mechanism of phage-receptor interactions. The receptorsof eight Y. pestis phages have been identified (L-413C, P2vir1, PhiJA1, PhiA1122,Pokrovskaya, T7Yp, Y and PST). All these phages employ different components oflipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a specific receptor. As far as we know, all closely relatedT7-like phages (T7, T3, PhiA1122and PhiYeO3-12) utilize the LPS core as theirreceptors.
     In this study, the phage receptor-binding protein and its receptors were identifiedfor Y. pestis diagnostic phage Yep-phi. Based on phage adsorption, phage plaqueformation, affinity chromatography and Western Blotting assays, the outer membraneproteins of Y. pestis, namely, Ail and OmpF, were identified to act as the receptors ofYep-phi in addition to the rough lipopolysaccharide. The plaguing efficiencies ofphage were evaluated on Yersinia pestis mutants of deleting different potentialreceptor genes singly or in different combinations and their trans-complementedstrains; and the necessary domains responsible for the interactions were identified andvalidated for phage tail fiber protein. The510-529residues of the distal portion of thephage tail fiber protein were sufficient in allowing binding to the OMP receptors invitro. Residues518N,519N, and523S of this protein are essential for the interactionwith OmpF, whereas residues518N,519N,522C, and523S are essential for theinteraction with Ail. This study is the first to demonstrate membrane-bound proteinsto act as receptors for a T7-related bacteriophage. Yep-phi has a unique hostspecificity that can be attributed to its tail fiber gp17protein. The observationshighlight the importance of the tail fiber protein in the evolution and function ofvarious complex phage systems. These findings are critical in developing phage-basedtherapeutic strategy to treat Y. pestis infection and diagnostic agent for identifying Y.pestis, and in providing insights into phage-bacterium interaction.
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