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It should be investigated the characteristics of the overlying strata movements and the principles of surface subsiding and the their phytoremediation technology after large-scale underground mining operation in Shengdong coal mine areas. That realize the green mining concept and get more valuable result. The general movement & deformation law、ground movement and deformation quantitative parameter had been get by a great deal of observation and analysis on Da Liu Ta mining area 1302 coal face. The surface subsidence prediction is made in methods of probability integral method and negative exponential distribution equation method according to rock movement parameter. According to above research, pyhtoremediation technology had been utilized in the coal wastes piles and subsided land. Microbe can promote the plant growth and increase the products and biodivisity that get better ecological effects. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi local propagating methods fist time was used in the field of the coal mining area and obtained good quality fungus that reduce micro-reclamation cost and make the ecosystem stabilization and sustainability.
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