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    试验组,第5组为添加0 .1%MOS的对照组,第6组为添加167m叭g杆菌肤锌与
    3 .3m叭g硫酸粘杆菌素的抗生素对照组。于肉仔鸡42日龄时每重复随机屠宰1只(每
    (尸<0 .05),添加0.1%MOS还可显著提高其腿重率(尸<0 .05).
    可显著提高蛋鸡产蛋率和饲料转化率(尸<0 .05),添加0,015叹产0.03%XOS和0.1,。:口S
    还可显著提高蛋鸡日均产蛋重(尸<0 .05)。(2)日粮中添加0.02%XOS和0.1%FOS显著
    提高了蛋鸡对钙、磷的表观消化率(尸<0 .05),但对干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪的牙.J用
    蛋壳厚度和蛋壳率(尸<0 .05),对蛋品其它指标没有显著影响(P>0.05);添加FOS对
    1 1 .66%(尸<0.05).
The study was conducted to examine the effect of dietary xylo-oligosaccharides on the performance of broilers and layers. The paper included three experiments:
    In experiment one, a total of 1400 one-day-old AA commercial broilers were randomly allotted into seven treatments with five duplicates per treatment, feed and water ad libitum. Treatment 1 was control group fed with basal diet, the diets for treatment 2~6 added 0.01%, 0.15%, 0.02%, 0.025% and 0.03%XOS in their basal diets respectively, treatment 7 added 0.1%MOS in the basic diet. The effects of XOS on performance, digestive fucntion and jejunum microflora population of 21-day-old and 40-day-old broilers were investigated in the experiment. The results indicated as following: Compared with control, (1). Expect 0.015% treatment improved the body weight of 21-day broilers significantly (P<0.05), the other groups had no significant effect on body weight and feed conversion efficiency of 21-days and 40-days broilers (P>0.05). (2). For 21-day and 40-day broilers, 0.01%XOS decreased pH value of digesta in cecum significantly (P<0.05), both 0.02%XOS and 0.1%MOS decreased pH value of digesta in cecum and rectum sign
    ificantly (P<0.05), but neither XOS nor MOS had significant effect on pH value of digesta in proventriculus, gizzard, duodenum, jejunum and ileum (P>0.05). (3). For 21-day broilers, 0.01%XOS increased relative length of ileum significantly (P<0.05), both 0.02% XOS and 0.1% MOS increased relative length of ileum and relative length and weight of cecum and rectum significantly (P<0.05). For 40-day broilers, 0.01%XOS increased relative length o/ cCvum significantly (P<0.05), 0.02%XOS increase drelative length and weight of cecum and rectum significantly (P<0.05), 0.1% MOS increased relative length and weight of cecum and relative weight of rectum significantly (P<0.05). (4). For 21-day broilers, all XOS treatments had no significant difference in the morphology of jejunum and cacum (P>0.05), 0.1% MOS improved V/C value of cacum (P<0.05). For 40-day broilers, both XOS and MOS had no significant effect on morphology of jejunum(P>0.05), 0.02%XOS, 0.03%XOS and 0.1%MOS increased villus height of cacum significantly
    (P<0.05), 0.01%XOS,
    0.02%XOS and 0.1%MOS decreased crypt depth of cacum significantly (PO.05), both XOS and MOS treatments increased V/C value of cacum significantly (PO.05). (5). Both XOS and MOS had the trend for increase the activities of protease and amylase in small intestinal digesta of 21-day-old and 40-day-old broilers, and 0.02%XOS increased the activities of protease and amylase in duodenal digesta of 40-day-old broilers significantly (P<0.05), 0.1%MOS also increased amylase activities in duodenal digesta of 40-day-oid broilers significantly (PO.05). Neither XOS nor MOS had effects on lipase activities in duodenal and jejunal digesta of broilers (P>0.05). (6). Both XOS and MOS had no significant effect on E. Coli and Lactobacillus number in the digestia of middle jejunum (P>0.05).
    In experiment two, a total of 1200 one-day-old AA commercial broilers were randomly allotted into six treatments with five duplicates per treatment, feed and water ad libitum. Treatment 1 was control group fed with basal diet, the diets for treatment 2-6 added 0.01%XOS, 0.02%XOS, 0.03%XOS, 0.1%MOS and antibiotics(16.7mg/kg Bacitracin Zinc and 3.3mg/kg Tiamulin) in their basal diets respectively. At 42 days, one trial broiler was slaughtered in every duplicate of one treatment to investigate effects of XOS on slaughter performance of broilers. The results showed: Compared with control, XOS had no significant improvement on slaughter performance of 42-day-old broilers (P>0.05), but had the trend for improve percentage of half evisceration, evisceration, breast muscle and thigh muscle. 0.1 %MOS and antibiotics improved percentage of half evisceration of 42-day-old broilers significantly (PO.05), 0.1%MOS improved percentage of thigh muscle of 42-day-old broilers significantly (P<0.05).
    In experiment three, a total of 1260 11-month-old commercial layers
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