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Risk investment is the incubator of the new economy, changes traditional economical operation rule, declares publicly the importance of entrepreneur's manpower capital. This text is studied entrepreneur's manpower capital characteristics, function and incentive mechanism in risk investment.
    On the basis of analysing about entrepreneur's manpower capital and motivational theory, defines risk investment, small middle high-tech enterprise and risk investment key element operating system. Risk money-capital and heterogeneity manpower merge one new-type capital operation mode and system innovation course.
    It puts forward small middle high-tech entrepreneur's low guarantee of manpower capital, high and special-purpose, peculiar quality, strong showing person, mortgaging person, strong outside, economic worth disguise, social characteristics and organization dependence. Entrepreneur's recessive knowledge and recessive capital, entrepreneur's manpower capital and organize capital, entrepreneur's manpower capital and key ability evolution course are analysed. Entrepreneur's manpower capital is the heterogeneity manpower capital which a kind of marginal return increased progressively. Entrepreneur's spirit is the embodiment in overall qualities such as entrepreneur's innovation ability, risk spirit, cooperation spirit , his special value and use value can produce future income of high-energy capital, recessive capital, organizing capital and key ability capital. At the same time, Entrepreneur's manpower capital can be appraised in comprehensive fuzzy theory.
    It analyses the inherent forming mechanism in risk investment,
    structures the systematic model of the capital sport and the technological innovation whole efficiency model. The technological tendency is entrepreneur's manpower capital increasing function. As a kind of high-energy capital, it accelerates the risk technological innovation, changes the cyclical process of the traditional money-capital, sets up "a kind of new production process". Entrepreneur adventurous spirit, speculative spirit, initiative spirit, professional dedication essential are entrepreneurship spirit characteristics. The spirit of entrepreneurship is the main motive force of developing country's economic growth.
    Risk money-capital and entrepreneur's manpower constructed the basic skeleton of small middle high-tech enterprise. Technological capital , system capital , organization capital , culture capital form its main content of mating, thus structures the biological model of small middle high-tech enterprise.
    It has analysed the particularity of risk entrepreneur's manpower capital encouraging. Risk investor and entrepreneur core relation with agency by agreement is distribution and transformation of control power. It has analysed entrepreneur's manpower capital dominance incentive mechanism based on optimum remuneration agreement structure. On the basis of relative recessive incentive mechanism, using relative achievement can filter to the same common risk factor relatively, making the risk entrepreneur's diligent level close to one grade optimum. The essential distinction of enterprises and traditional enterprise should lie in the definition and encouragement of entrepreneur's manpower capital property right , lies in how to structure the enterprise's surplus control power and ask for the right question.
    This text uses covariance structure model (CSM ) carried on the
    positive research to entrepreneur's remuneration for the first time. On the basis of investigating the current situation of the development of risk investment in our country, in terms of entrepreneur's manpower capital, proposes that developing the risk investment should strengthen entrepreneur's innovation , foster the spirit of entrepreneurship, perfect entrepreneur property right mechanism, set up entrepreneur mechanism leading mode, structure entrepreneur's manpower capital external supervision mechanism.
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