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The incentive of the occupational managers is the hot issue of the recent research. The effective incentive of the occupational managers is always an outstandingly important problem not only in establishing modern enterprise system and perfecting the governing of the legal person but also in exploiting and utilizing of the human resources of the enterprise. This is determined by the special position and function of the occupational managers in modern enterprises. On the condition of the modern market economy, the incentive of the occupational managers has a more colorful content, a more various form and a more complex system than the incentive of the general staff of the enterprises.
     The aim of this thesis is not to try to involve the results of the research broadly, but to offer an effective way of incentive of the occupational managers, and try to analyze the relation between entrustment and agency from a new safest. So I will try my best to explain the core idea of dynamic incentive in adoption of simple models.
     On the basis of the research and the practice of the occupational managers, this thesis, for the first time, applies the front line vehicle in the research field of incentive systematically-----the dynamic incentives. According to the situation of the present research of the incentives of the occupational managers and the characteristics of it at home and abroad, on the basis of defining the concept and the scope of the occupational managers, this thesis analyzes the particular of the incentives and needs of it. Secondly, this thesis starts with analyzing the incentives and the restraint mechanism of the occupational managers, elaborates the present situation of the incentives and controls of the occupational managers at home and abroad, and analyzes the incentive problems in the background of the reversion choice and the moral risk. This thesis elaborates the scientific principles and the operation mechanism of the dynamic incentives from the point of view of the economics and management, on the foundation of appraisal the research of the dynamic incentives model and the effect appraisal, preliminarily designs the physical and spiritual incentive tools, having certain maneuverability. At the same time, this thesis unifies the practice analysis of the dynamic incentive, discusses the limitation of it. Finally, unifying the practice of myself, taking the branch of China Life Insurance Company Limited in Tianjin, this thesis sets up a dynamic incentive system. The full thesis writes around the incentive of the occupational managers, incentive of occupational managers, and expounds the core idea of it with theory analyses, demonstration research, suggesting countermeasures, designing approaches and analyzing model.
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