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     由于牙鲫 SRY PCR扩增带没有全部分析,不能肯定牙鲫没有 SRY同源片段。RAPD
Isozyme and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were employed to
     investigate the genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of wild and gynogencsis
     population in Paralichthys olivaceu. DNA samples of parent and filial generation of
     gynogenesis were comparatively analyzed by RAPD. The homologous fragment of SRY
     gene from flounder genome was PCR amplified and sequenced. Some sex-linkage
     bands in RAPD amplification were cloned into bacteria vector and sequenced.
     1. Two isozyme loci, Ldh-C and Cat, were found to be recombined in their
     chromosomes in the gynogenesis population of Paralichthys olivaceu. The
     recombination rates between isozyme locus and centromere were 52.6% and 29.8%
     respectively. The high recombination rates may be related to the small size of fish
     chromosome arms. Total 22 out of 136 DNA bands amplified by RAPD were found
     segregation in gynogenesis. However, whether these bands caused by recombination
     were hard to perorate owing to the analysis method restriction.
     2. Isozyme mean proportion of polymorphic loci (P) and the average
     heterozygosities (H) of gynogenesis population in Paralichthys ohvaceu were 6.90%
     and 0.03 50 respectively. In order to obtain correct results we developed a modified
     arithmetic of genetic diversity of RAPD. P and H of wild population by RAPD were
     20.88% and 0.0852, proportion of polymorphic bands was 37.57%; P and H of
     gynogenesis population by RAPD were 8.98% and 0.03 898, proportion of polymorphic
     bands was 16.18%. Results from RAPD and isozymc analyses were shown to be
     3. Genetic similarity and genetic distance between wild and gynogenesis population
     were 0.9036 and 0.10 14, respectively. Genetic distance was higher than average level
     between geographical populations of fish. The index of genetic diversity of gynogenesls
     population (H0 =7.1982) was lower than that of wild population (R. =28.0986)
     Genetic differentiation between gynogenesis and wild population, H,,O,/H. = 0.97 16,
     (H-H~) IHsp = 0.0284, showing 97.16% distributed within populations and only
     2.84% between populations.
     4. All parameters, including mean proportion of polymorphic loci (P) and the
     average heterozygosities (H) of isozyme; P and H as well as proportion of polymorphic
     bands of RAPD; index of genetic diversity (H0), indicated the genetic diversity of
     gynogenesis population badly lose comparing with that of wild population. The
     proportions of reduction were 55.390/c - 77.74%.
     5. DNA samples of parent and filial generation of gynogenesis were comparatively
     analyzed by RAPD. Those DNA bands expressed in female parent but not in male
     parent also expressed in gynogenesis filial; DNA bands expressed in male parent but not
     in female parent didn抰 express in gynonensis, while normally expressed in dcploid
     control fish. Germ plasm of sperm had been destroyed thoroughly by UV radiation, all
     germ plasm of gynogenesis filial were from female parent.
     6. To detect sex determination mechanism of Paralichthys olivaceu, the homologous
     fragment of SRY gene was PCR amplified and sequenced. PCR amplification had no
     difference between individual and sex. A 648bp fragment from Paralichihys olivaceu,
     named sry-2, was sequenced and only had 35% homologous compared with human
     SRY. Four out of 1533 RAPD amplification DNA bands were found to be sex linkage.
     These bands were then cloned into bacteria vector and sequen
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