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With the development of technology, especially the computer technology, microelectronics technology and semiconductor manufacturing technology have been developed rapidly, and intellectualization has been widely used in various fields, such as the intelligent mobile phone, intelligent residential district, intelligent vehicle and intelligent transport etc. The railway has been increased speed many times in large area and the mileage of high-speed train which operated in China has been to the top of the world to meet the high speed growth of the demand about railway capacity, However, the technological progress on railway maintenance is not enough that it still needs to rely on a huge crowd, especially management, operation mode and working efficiency of the Railway Maintenance Machine (hereinafter referred to as'RMM') are often criticized. How to improve the safety, reliability and working efficiency of the RMM is the hot spot and difficulty in the current railway research, what's more, intellectualization of the RMM is one of the research directions.
     There is a series of management and technical problem needed to be resolved in intelligent train, such as intelligent power supply, bow network monitoring, vehicle monitoring, vehicle network and line monitoring, etc. but not all of these subjects can be discussed in here. By a large number of field investigations and the RMM's operation under "appointed time limit" mode, the four key problems of the RMM intellectualization have been put forward, as RMM information management technology, positioning and information real-time interactive technology between the RMMs, RMM driver working state identification technology and RMM fault diagnosis of intelligent decision technology. Those key problems relate to RMM management, condition monitoring of driver and vehicle, information interaction between RMM, so the safety, reliability and working efficiency of RMM could be improved effectively.
     The current research situation about intelligent decision technology and method is analyzed, furthermore, the main technology and present situation concerning intellectualization of the high-speed train is given out. In addition, the research status about information management technology, positioning and information interaction technology, driver state identification and fault diagnosis technology are analyzed in the paper.
     By studying the RMM information management system function and software architecture, the mathematical model about RMM construction operations and the data relation model and all software about RMM information management system database are present. The main function of the database is realized.
     The fatigue mechanism of the RMM driver is studied. The method of combining the driver's face recognition and tracking head motion trajectory is proposed. The driver's working state is detected and recognized by this way. And template matching method to monitor the driver's face and adaptive background algorithm to realize the driver's head motion trajectory tracking is designed. What's more, the design and development of the real-time recognition system on RMM driver working state has applied to the railway site successfully.
     The real-time interaction system among the RMM information by combining the positioning technology and Adhoc is designed. It includes the positioning and information real-time interaction among the RMM which involve GPS positioning technology, Adhoc technology and modulation technology, etc. In addition, the hardware and software on positioning and information real-time interaction among the RMM is realized, and it's the first time to design and develop early warning device for collisions in China.
     The rough set theory and method which using entropy for attribute reduction on rough set is discussed,and using this method to pretreat the fault data of RMM diesel engine. At the same time it processed the fault data under the method of attribute clustering. The decision-making table attribute reduction algorithm based on rough set and information entropy is studied, and the fault attribute data of RMM is reduced by this way.
     The intelligent decision-making system for RMM's fault diagnosis through rough set and case reasoning is proposed. The key problems related to RMM fault cases is studied, which is including RMM fault case representation, RMM fault case construction,case similarity retrieval and case revision technology. The common fault cases about RMM and designed the framework based on rough set and case reasoning for RMM fault diagnosis of intelligent decision-making system is present. Case library about RMM fault was designed. The software and hardware relating to RMM were compiled in this paper. What's more, the intelligent system based on case reasoning for RMM fault diagnosis is developed.
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