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This thesis used literature, interviews, questionnaires, logical analysis statistics and other research methods, choosed 32 universitese and colleges,506 PE teachers for the object, researched the problem of PE tearchers psychological contract with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job involvement and turnover intention relationship between job state, reflected the scale of the psychology contact of PE teachers and the relationship between the job states.
     In this study, the introduction part of the PE teachers of psychological contract studied the background of the psychological contract research, researched topics based on the concept of theoretical and practical significance, proposed to resolve the problem of ideas and methods. Second, the psychological contract has been reviewed and summarized on the present state. As a research starting point,we studied the relationship between the psychological contract of PE teachers and the work state. Third, we draw up the formation of the psychological contract scale for PE teachers, this scale is divided into two parts:the schools responsibility and the teachers responsibility. The formation of school responsibilities scale of psychological contract is divided into three dimensions: economic and environmental responsibility, human responsibility, growing responsibilities. The formation of teacher responsibilities scale of psychological contract is divided into four dimensions:job responsibilities, extra-curricular responsibilities, ownership responsibility, social responsibility. Fourth, I have researched the teachers of 98 universyties and colleges in Hunan province, analyazed the psychological contract of PE teachers with different demographic characteristics.It was discovered:the psychological contract school responsibility of college PE teachers on gender, occupation, monthly salary, there were significant differences; other features aspects were no significant differences; the psychological contract teacher responsibility of college PE teachers on qualitity, age, education, job, marital state and salary, there were significant differences; other characteristics no significant difference. Fifth, I have analyzed PE teachers psychological contract fulfillment with the different demographic characteristics and conducted them with difference multiple comparison test. It was discovered that the fulfillment of psychological contract will not have a significant impact on gender and marital; the performance of the psychological feelings were affected significantly by duties, salary, and teaching courses and the performance of behavior were affected significantly by duties, title, age, salary, teaching courses. In addition, there were significant different in the performance of psychical contract between the realities and expectations.Sixth, I had a T-test on between the psychical contact of different college PE teacher on the different demographic characteristics and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job involvement, turnover intention and made the correlation and regression analysis.It was discovered that there was a high positive correlation on psychological contract fulfillment and job involvement and job satisfaction, it wast established two regression equations. There is a lesser extent on Psychological contract fulfillment and organizational commitment and turnover intention. Seventh, I have analysed the psychological contract of the different control variables, different psychological contract fulfillment on the job involvement, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention, found that it was significant different on the good group, the middle group and the violation group. Eighth, it was constructed a function mechanism chart by the relationship the college PE teachers on the psychological contract with job state, as a basis for a management measures proposed for college PE teachers.
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