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Oasis is an important space with human living in arid area. With the development of local economy, environmental problem is increasingly outstanding. It has theoretical and practical significance in studying bird community diversity, analyzing limiting factors of bird living , protecting oasis biodiversity, exerting effect of bird for integrated controling agricultural pests and realizing ecological agriculture. The bird communities in KuiTun reclamation area were main investigating target of the present study. On the basement of investigating the species, quantities and distributions of birds and vegetations of reclamation area, the bird communities in reclamation areas and the relations between the bird communities and their habitat environments were systematically analyzed. The environmental Qualities in KuiTun reclamation were comprehensively evaluated by using the bird community characteristics as the main indexes.
     A distinctive feature of the present study is that by taking the whole reclamation area as research object, comparative studies were thoroughly made on quantitative characteristics of bird communities and their relations to habitat environments in KuiTun reclamation area from a view of resource utilizations. The results might provide basic theoretical data for monitoring and evaluating the sustainable development of oasis. Major achievements of the study as follows:
     1. The bird community composition of KuiTun: Within the 167 species recorded during investigations. Among them, 131 species (85.60%) of Palaearctic region, 24 species (14.40%) of Cosmopolitan. Among Palaearctic region, 66 species (39.50%) of northern type, 48 species (28.66%) of northern widespread type, 26 species (15.60%) of central Asia type. The considerable proportion of Central Asia type birds reflected that the desertification trend is increasing in some regions of reclamation area. Many bird species in this region are mainly caused by geographical position and special environment.
     2. The bird ecological groups of the reclamation area are dominated by summer migrant (96 species, 57.48%), it is dominated by animal feeding habits (113 species, 67.66%) in feeding habits. It is dominated by shrub-herbosa nest and ground nest in nesting type. (87 species, 52.09%). The bird average density is 5.7627 /hm2, the average bio-quantity is 183.536g/hm2 and there are 7 predominance species.
     3. The structure of feeding guild in summer is dominated by carnivorism guild. It has high value of biodiversity that bird community has equilibrium of proportion in feeding guild. Contrarily, the value of biodiversity is low. The result of cluster analysis shows that ten kinds of bird community are plotted three types, which are wetland bird community and broadleaf forest farmland bird community and desert bird community.
     4. The amount of bird community of reclamation area decreased because food resource had change in winter. It shows that all kinds of food resources are not abundance. But most of entomophagous bird are able to change its primary food habits to plants feeding habits in winter such as Long-tailed Rosefinch and omnivorous habits Common Blackbird. It should be explained that the resource of fruit and plant seeds and other food abandoned by human being is relative rich comparing with other food resource.
     5. Oasis bird is mainly community depends on oasis to live. It mainly make up of northern widespread type forest bird and rought burable type wetland bird. Oasis bird is principal part of bird community of reclamation area and is supporting role for it
     6. Vegetation factor still is a dominant factor to restrict bird diversity of the reclamation area. Tree composition is the first affecting factor to bird diversity, the next is human disturbance and water factor is remarkable affection factor yet.
     7. The kinds of resident birds are able to affect bird diversity remarkably. Ratio of resident bird and summer migrant is positive correlation with bird diversity in there except for wetlands. The kind of bird is related with food richness of habitat, it is mainly the food resource of fruit and seed.
     8. Protecting bird in reclamation area contain mainly rare species protection and oasis bird protection. The mainly habitat of them are wetland and town residential point and early farming area in KuiTun reclamation area. It should be strengthened to safeguard bird and environment over there.
     9. It should be strengthened to ecological restoration at abandoned area and deserts among farming area and to construct farmland windbreak network at lately farming area for perfecting system of ecological protection forest. It ought to prohibit strictly pesticide to be used at non-farming area and toxic pesticide used at fanning area in reclamation area at the same time.
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