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American composer in the 20th century, Samuel Barber, published his five piano solo works including Excursions OP.20 (1944) , Piano Sonata OP.26 (1949) ,
    Souvenirs OP.28 (1952) , Nocturne-Homage to John Field OP.33 (1957) and
    Ballade OP.46 (1977) . All of these belong to his works after his middle age. And among them, Excursions and Souvenirs made use of suite form, Piano Sonata
    employed Sonata Divertimento form; while Nocturne-Homage to John Field and
    Ballade are mono-movement ones. Such works were written from 1944 to 1977, and represented Barber's style and technique character in his mature period of his creative works.
    This paper consists of four chapters. Chapter One introduces Barber's compositional life and his representative works of different periods, and indicates his important position in modem music development as well as the particular function and research value of his piano pieces.
    Chapter Two analyzes and studies the five works from the perspective of composition techniques in detail.
    Form the angle of Theme, one of the basic representative techniques of music, Harmony, one of the basic presentational method and development of music, Counterpoint technique, one of the important skills for the further development of music; Form, the logical manner of the structure of musical works, and Modulation Structure, the special technique for the expressive structure of musical language, Chapter Three makes a thorough summary on the essential factors of composition: Theme, Harmony, Counterpoint, Mode and Key, Texture and Form Structure.
    On the basis of the above chapters, the last chapter puts Barber's style into the background of the development of the 20th century's world musical style. And after comparing and contrasting them, the writer makes a conclusive evaluation towards Barber's creation techniques and style.
1 转引自《西方音乐通史》 于润洋主编 上海音乐出版社第409页——罗克韦尔《美国音乐:20世纪后期作品》,第87页。书中提到,罗克贝格说:“如果20世纪大部分音乐是一种‘遗忘的音乐’,那么,世纪末及其后来的音乐一定会成为一种‘记忆的音乐。”实践证明:在新的音乐创作中,完全回到过去时代的样子是不可能的,所谓的“回归”,不是简单的重复,而是在另一层次上新与旧的结合。作者认为,所谓“遗忘的音乐”指的是20世纪上半叶的探索型音乐,它们是新事物,本身既有精华所在,又有糟粕之处。在20世纪下半叶,这些好的部分将沉淀下来,融合于传统音乐的精髓,形成更高层次的“记忆音乐”。
    2 同上。
    3 Stanley Sadie New Grove Music and Musicians Dictionary: Samuel Barber Index Macmillan Publisher Ltd.1980 P.135
    4 Harold Gleason and Warren Becket 20th-Century American Composers Second Edition Revised, 1998 by Robert Sabin P.140
    5 罗萨里奥·斯卡列罗(Rosario Scalero 1870——1954) 意大利作曲家、音乐学家。他教学严格认真,新颖得当,从不使用教案,对每个学生因材施教。他精通对位技术和曲式结构,主张长期坚持不懈地有组织的学习,1928年起任教于费城柯蒂斯学院。
    6 Harold Gleason and Warren Becker 20th-Century American Composers Second Edition Revised, 1998 by Robert Sabin P.140
    7 伊莎贝勒·温格罗娃(Isabelle Vengerova) 曾任教于圣彼德堡音乐学院,指导过年幼的普罗科菲耶夫。
    8 埃米罗德·格哥扎(Emilio de Gogorza) 美国最受听众欢迎的、著名的男中音。
    9 简·卡罗·梅诺蒂(Gian Carlo Menotti 1911——) 生于意大利Cadegliano,后迁居美国,作曲家,巴伯生前的挚友。
    10 阿杜诺·托斯卡尼尼(Arturo Toscanini 1867——1957)生于意大利北部城市帕尔马,
    11 Harold Gleason and Warren Becker 20th-Century American Composers Second Edition Revised, 1998 by Robert Sabin P.142
    12 纽约WQXR播音室 建立于1936年,是美国第一家国家商业性音乐广播电台。
    13 维地摩尔·霍罗维兹(Viadimir Horowitz 1903——1989) 生于乌克兰。著名的钢琴演奏家,在世界各地巡回演出。1945年成为美国公民后,对于巴伯作品的演奏与推广起到积极地促进作用。
    14 艾吾宁·波林(Irving Berlin 1888——1989) 享年101岁,美国流行歌曲创作的神奇人物。23岁时以《亚历山大的拉格泰姆舞》歌曲的创作走红,但他一生从未学过钢琴,靠读谱创作。
    15 瑞瑟德·让德哥斯(Richard Rodgers 1902——1979)美国作曲家,以写作音乐戏剧,音乐舞台剧著称,包括《窈窕淑女》、《音乐之声》等。
    16 转引自Samuel Barber (1910-1981) Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack,Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall, Santa Rosa, California, from 10th to 12th April, 1995.Producers:Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher: G. Schirmer & Co. P. 7
    17 同14
    18 阿瑟·哥尔德(Arthur Gold 1917——1990)与罗伯特·菲兹戴尔(Robert Fizdale 1920——1995) 杰出的双钢琴演奏搭档。
    19 转引自 The American Composers Series Samuel Barber: Complete Piano Music Samuel Barber: A Personal Note G. Schirmer New York London
    20 转引自 Samuel Barber (1910---1981) Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack, Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall, Santa Rosa, California, from 10th to 12th April,1995. Producers:Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher: G. Schirmer & Co. P.4
    21 参见“搜狐网”——音乐之家“拉丁美洲音乐”条目
    22 赫米奥拉比例:在中世纪和文艺复兴时期的理论中,赫米奥拉比例代表3/2之比。亨德尔、肖邦、舒曼、勃拉姆斯等作曲家都广为采用。
    23 转引自 Samuel Barber (1910—1981) Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack,Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall, Santa Rosa,California, from 10th to 12th April, 1995. Producers:Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher: G.Schirmer & Co.P.5
    24 参见www.Classical.net
    25 转引自 Samuel Barber (1910—1981) Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack,Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall, Santa Rosa, California, from 10th to 12th April, 1995.Producers:Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher: G. Schirmer & Co. P.8
    26 参见www.Pianist.net
    27 同23
    28 参见《二十世纪复调音乐中的节奏思维》 于苏贤 中央音乐学院学报2002年第一期第3页
    29 弗兰克斯·普朗克(Francis Poulenc 1899—1963) 法国作曲家,“法国六人组”成员之一。自学成才,后随查理·寇克林在巴黎音乐学院进行正规学习。普兰克的音乐富于思想、机敏、简洁,又具娱乐性,作品经常赋予抒情性、旋律性,始终保持调性,虽然有时使用一些极端不协和和弦。他常写一些宗教性的室内乐作品。
    30 转引自Samuel Barber (1910—1981)Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack,Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall, Santa Rosa, California, from 10th to 12th April, 1995. Producers: Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher: G. Schirmer & Co. P.9
    31 Harold Gleason and Warren Becker 20th-Century American Composers Second Edition Revised, 1998 by Robert Sabin P.143
    32 转引自Samuel Barber (1910-1981) Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack, Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall, Santa Rosa, California, from 10th to 12th April, 1995. Producers: Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher: G. Schirmer & Co. P. 10
    33 林肯·科里斯坦(Lincoln Kirstein 1907—1996) 他是一位在二十世纪美国文化发展方面有着举足轻重地位的人物,是文化领域杰出人物的象征与代表。他在世界舞蹈、电影、音乐、绘画、摄影、建筑、文学和雕塑方面倾注了毕生的心血。
    34 同29
    35 参见www.Music.com——"Dance"条目
    36 《外国音乐词典》 汪启璋、顾连理、吴佩华编译 上海音乐出版社第686页
    37 参见www.Music.com——"Dance"条目
    38 阿伐奈拉(habanera)古巴舞曲。十九世纪传入(也可能是重新输入)西班牙。通常为2/4拍,典型节奏为:据传这一名称源自地名Habana(今惯译为哈瓦那)。
    39 同32
    40 同32
    41 转引自Samuel Barber (1910-1981) Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack,Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall, Santa Rosa, California, from l0th to 12th April,1995. Producers:Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher: G Schirmer & Co. P.12
    42 Harold Gleason and Warren Becker 20th-Century American Composers Second Edition Revised, 1998 BY Robert Sabin P.143
    43 引自《音乐的分析与创作》 杨儒怀著 第101页
    44 转引自Samuel Barber (1910-1981) Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack,Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall, Santa Rosa, California, from 10th to 12th April, 1995. Producers:Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher: G.Schirmer & Co. P.3
    45 同上
    46 Harold Gleason and Warren Becker 20th-Century American Composers Second Edition Revised, 1998 by Robert Sabin P.141
    47 Stanley Sadie New Grove Music and Musicians Dictionary: Samuel Barber Index Macmillan Publisher Ltd.1980 P.135
    48 同上
    49 参见《西方音乐通史》 于润洋主编 上海音乐出版社第408页
    50 转引自《西方音乐通史》 于润洋主编 上海音乐出版社第408页莱顿:《新自由主义》(Billy Layton:The New Liberalism),Perspectives of New Music,vol.3,no.2(Spring Summer,1965)。
    51 参见《西方音乐通史》 于润洋主编 上海音乐出版社第411页
    52 转引自Samuel Barber(1910—1981)Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack,Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall,Santa Rosa,Califomia,from 10th tO 12th April,1995.Producers:Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher:G Schirmer & Co.P.15
    53 参见《西方音乐通史》 于润洋主编 上海音乐出版社第408页
    54 Stanley Sadie New Grove Music and Musicians Dictionary:Samuel Barber Index Macmillan Publisher Ltd.1980 P.135
    1、Stanley Sadie New Grove Music and Musicians Dictionary: Samuel Barber Index Macmillan Publisher Ltd. 1980
    2、Harold Gleason and Warren Becker 20th-Century American Composers Second Edition Revised, 1998
    3、Russell E. Friedewald A Formal and Stylistic Analysis of the Published Music of Samuel Barber. State University of Iowa, 1957
    4、Lawrence S. Wathen Dissonance Treatment in the Instrumental Music of Samuel Barber. Northwestern University, 1960
    5、Stefan Kostka (University of Texas at Austin) Materials and Techniques of Twentieth—Century Music PRENTICE HALL Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
    6、Kip Lomell and Anne K. Rasmussen Musics of Multicultural America New York, Schirmer Books; London, Prentice Hall Intemational, C, 1997
    7、M. Carlyle Hume The Musician's Handbook Upper Saddle River. N. J. Prentice Hall C. 1998
    8、H. Wiley Hitchcock Music in The United States Englewood Cliffs, N. J.Prentice-Hall, C. 1988
    9、William R. Martin and Julius Drassin Music of The Twentieth Century Englewood Cliffs, N.J.Prentice-Hall,C. 1980
    10、George Mc. Cue Music in American Society, 1776-1976 From Puritan Hymn to Synthesizer copyright 1977 by Transaction, INC. New Brunswick, New Jersey
    11、Dean L. Arlton American Piano Sonatas of the Twentieth Century: Selective Analyses and Annotated Index. Columbia University, 1968. (Sonatas by Barber, Carter,Dello Joio, Griffes, Ives, Persichetti and Thomson)
    12、Bryan R. Simms (University of Southern California) Music of The Twentieth Century (Style and Structure) Schirmer Books A Division of Macmillan INC. New York Collier Macmillan Publishers London
    13、Stefan Kostka (The University of Texas at Austin), Dorothy Payne (The University of Arizona) Tonal Harmony with an introduction of Twentieth—Century Music Third Edition Consulting Editor in Music Allan W. Schindler Eastman School of Music McGraw—Hill, INC.
    14、H. Gilbert Trythall (West Virginia University) Eighteenth Century Counterpoint Wm. C. Brown Publishers
    15、Charles Claghorn Biographical Dictionary of American Music
    16、Gilbert Chase America's Music Second Edition Revised
    17、Glynnis Chantrell The Oxford Dictionary of World Histories
    1、《音乐的分析与创作》上下册 杨儒怀著 人民音乐出版社
    2、《音乐分析论文集》 杨儒怀著 中国文联出版社
    3、《二十世纪作曲技法分析》 姚恒璐著 上海音乐出版社
    4、《赋格曲写作》 陈铭志著 上海文艺出版社
    5、《现代和声与中国作品研究》 王安国著 中国文联出版公司
    6、《美国专业音乐发展简史》 蔡良玉著 人民音乐出版社
    7、《西方音乐通史》 于润洋主编 上海音乐出版社
    8、《西方现代音乐概述》 钟子林著 人民音乐出版社
    9、《外国音乐词典》 汪启璋、顾连理、吴佩华编译 上海音乐出版社
    10、《西方音乐史》 [美]唐纳德·杰·格劳特,克劳德·帕利斯卡著汪启璋、顾连理、吴佩华译 人民音乐出版社
    11、《变体曲式结构的发展》 杨儒怀 中央音乐学院学报 2002年第1期
    12、《自由曲式结构的形成与发展》 杨儒怀 中央音乐学院学报2003年第1期
    13、《双调性与多调性复调结构》 于苏贤 中央音乐学院学报 1996年第1期
    14、《二十世纪复调音乐中的节奏思维》于苏贤 中央音乐学院学报 2002年第1期
    15、《兴德米特的〈调性游戏〉及其理论基础》(中) 姚恒璐 星海音乐学院学报1998年第2期
    1、The American Composers Series Samuel Barber: Complete Piano Music G Schirmer New York, London
    2、Samuel Barber (1910-1981) Complete Published Solo Piano Music Daniel Pollack, Piano Recorded at Fischer Hall, Santa Rosa, California, from 10th to 12th April, 1995. Producers: Marina and Victor Ledin Publisher: G. Schirmer & Co.

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