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Software test is the key to ensure the software quality,improve the software reliability and lower the software development cost,during the software development. The test case generation is an important aspect of software test. The complexity and quality of test cases assects test essiciency and overlay of the test process,so it becomes an active topic to research on the test case generation in software test.
    UML(Unified Modeling Language) is a modeling language that is well defined, expressive, powerful, and generally applicable. It has been used more and more widely and provides a new research direction for software test. Use case is a technology of gaining and expression requirement and closely related with test case. Use Case Driven Approach is a popular kind of software developping processes at present, and the core of this paper are the key technique of software test based on Use Case Driven.
    This paper firstly introduces the correlation knowledge theories of software test and the graphical representation and characteristic of UML, and analysis the Use Case and UML sequence diagram. The test case generation strategy is proposed to generate test case from use case, which represents requirement with use case. Use case is restrained with contract so as to eliminate the indetermination of the natural language. Then test scenarios is generated with sequence diagram and generates test case. We also provide the test sufficiency, the test coverage criterion and the test coverage fraction to the based Use Case-Driven, and also alleviate the test sequence in the certain degree to be possible execution question. In addition, sequence diagram is defined with formal method, which implements the related technical of the automated test case generation.
    Management of test case is the key technology of software test and helpful of test process trace, test coverage fraction computation and test sufficiency appraisal. To manage test case, we build a management tool-TCMS. In this tool, we focus on test cases. After TCMS is used in software test, not only can we manage test cases, but also can assure software quality.
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