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Over the Past few decades, branding has become the top research topic inmarketing academics. Brand equity is widely regarded as an important indicator tomeasure the effectiveness of brand strategy. In the content, more research focusedon concept, constitute dimensions and measurements of brand equity, and lessresearch about sources and influencing factors of brand equity. In the industrialapplication, the research was mainly in the fast moving consumer goods industrywhile less in the durable goods industry, which provides a new space and startingpoint for the further expansion of the brand equity research. With the housingboom and the improvement of living standards of the people, residential furnituremarket has been developing rapidly, and competition is very fierce. In order to winthe competition, furniture companies focus on brand from products. Accordingly,this paper will explore the process and path of marketing strategy influencing onbrand equity with mediating variable as customer perceived value based oncustomer on the basis of previous studies.
     Through theoretical analysis and empirical testing, findings obtained are asfollows:(1) The classification system of four dimensional brand equity from thewestern countries is applied into the study of China's residential furniture market,that is brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association and brand loyalty, andwhich is empirically supported.(2) Customer perceived value is divided intofunctional value, affectional value, social value, and perceived cost.(3) Identifythe marketing strategy of residential furniture including style design,product/service quality, price, advertising expenditure, and price promotion, whichare supported by empirical study.(4)Impact of marketing strategy on brand equitythrough CPV is verified and the mediated effect of CPV is great.
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