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     (1)在湖南新路职业学校中,采用多级随机整群抽样的原则抽取471个女性服刑人员,分为青少年年少组(年龄≤25岁)和年长组(>25岁)。采用自我报告和访谈相结合的方法评估她们的心理学特征及DSM-Ⅳ PTSD诊断。自我报告包括创伤性生活事件问卷(TLEQ)、事件影响量表(IES-R)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)、社会支持量表(SSRS)、特质应对方式(TCSQ)、自杀问卷;采用临床用PTSD定式评估问卷(CAPS)评估其精神创伤和PTSD诊断。
OBJECTIVE: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has previously been documented within various traumatized groups in western countries. In the present study, the authors investigated the relationship between frequency and type of traumatic events and the prevalence of PTSD from various aspects of research such as epidemilogy, psychology, cognitive function and psychobiochemitry among female inmates in China.
    METHODS: (1) A structured psychiatric interview, self-report Traumatic Life Events Questionnaire, Impact of Event Scale-Revised, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, Social Supporting Rating Scale, Trait Coping Style Questionnaire, Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire-Adults and Suicide Questionnaire were administered to a subset of 471 female members who were randomly selected from Hunan New Road Occupational School, in Hunan female prison, China. DSM-IV diagnoses were assigned by consensus after the interviews were evaluated by independent assessors. (2) Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Wechsler Memory Scale, Verbal Fluency Test and Attention Test were administed by 47 female inmates with PTSD and 36 age-, education-, histories of substance abuse-and incarcerating time-matched controls. The plasma catecholamine (DA, NE, E), 5-HT, neuropeptide-Y (NPY) levels and the serum cortisol level were detected by immunoradiometric assay or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-ED). Partial correlations between psychobio-chemiry and cognitive function and IES-R were analyzed.
    RESULTS: (1) The prevalence of current PTSD was 10.6%(N=50) and 90.4% of the subjects (N=426) had experienced at least one traumatic
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