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Because related social management functions changes slowly and the things of management dislocation and vacancy often occurs, the living conditions and develpoment environment of second-generation migrant workers are not satisfactory in many parts, and their legitimate rights and interests are not effectively protected, which directly or indirectly led them to become "marginalized" in the course of embedding into the cities and their enterprises. With steady progress of urbanization and deepening transformation of social and economic structure in China, how to help second-generation migrant workers integrate into cities and embed in enterprises has naturally become one of the important symbols relating to China's modernization process, new rural construction and reflecting social harmonious development. Therefore, it makes the development of second-generation migrant workers become a hot topic which concerned by general society again.
     The process of embedding enterprise of second-generation migrant workers is a long and complex social system program from enterprise outside environment, we need to focus on how to eliminate the institutional and policy barriers; And the process of embedding enterprise of second-generation migrant workersis is human resource management practise from the perspective of enterprise internal management,we need to seriously consider how to help the second-generation migrant workers to complete a special career planning for themselves and then establish a smooth career development path. Because the system changes is a long and gradual process in economies in transition, so it is importment to explore which way can help second-generation migrant workers embed enterprise successfully from the individual psychological level and group level.
     Following the basic idea that from combing phenomenon to exploring nature, then the study designs two closely related modules to do a more in-depth discussion and analysis for above questions and gets the following two important conclusions:
     Firstly, from individual level, study one used 316 individual samples, took the relative deprivation theory and social identity theory as logic support, assumed that second-generation migrant workers with dual identities are bound to make a choice in psychological identity between two different capacities in the course of paying their efforts to embed into enterprises, and different sense of identity made them produce different emotional experience, then led them to express differentia in the choice of work embedding. The following study conclusion also shows that results of empirical research are different from the original idea. The sense of farmers and sense of workers identity show changes in the same direction, to some extent, with discrimination consciousness and work embedding. The sense of farmers and sense of workers identity will led to discrimination perception, but perceived discrimination do not lead migrant workers to choose positive coping behavior as job embeddedness.
     Secondly, on the basis of the first study, study one made an adjustment for original analysis idea that chooses one from two identity sense. From two levels of Individuals and groups, the study used 46 work groups of migrant workers'new generation and based on the theory of social identity and self-classified, then it verified how social distance produce effect on migrant worker's job embeddedness through identity orientation. From a deeper level, the study found it is a multi-level, multi-angle dynamic selection process for second-generation migrant workers with dual identity in the choice of the two identities rather than what earlier social identity theory proposed:While individuals strengthen preferences within the community and prejudices outside community, it is not to make either-or choice of identity, but make balance in two identity in heart. In face of social distance, the identity balance in an individual level did not produce effect on job embeddedness; while the balance in relational and collective level is still more positive on work embedding.
     Through using second-generation migrant workers, a special study group, the study successfully put ideas raised by the academic that combines theory of relative deprivation with social identity theory into practice and enriches and develops the theory of inter-group relations. By discussing sense of identity and identity orientation, it successfully took identity as antecedent variable into forecast model of job embeddedness, and then expanded analysis framework of job embeddedness. The study is of great significance for development of theory and practice.
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