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     论文开篇先对广告做了简要的介绍,并且在对英文广告进行实际分析之前,从原因、理论、模式三个方面阐述了女权主义视角里的文体分析。第一方面是进行女权分析的原因。女权主义者探索和追求在性、语言和能力之间的一种关系,试图去建立一种“非男权中心”的思维方式,塑造一种共同期望的非二元制的、非对抗的思想。女权主义者Dale Spender认为英语是“男人创造的”语言,在很大程度上整体社会用语造成了对女性的歧视和压迫。传统的文体分析反映了男性立场,文体学家把自己局限在男权主义文体批判中,这是女权理论试图批判和替代的。因此需要从女权主义视角发展一种新的文体分析模式。第二方面,女权主义视角里的文体分析是由Halliday的系统功能语言学所发展起来的批判语言学作为理论依据,把语言和超语篇政治变化过程相联系。批判语言学是一种工具语言学理论,公开地从政治视角研究语篇,后来由批判语言学家Fowler,Hodge和Kress继承研究,他们认为语言是一种社会现象,批判语言学属于社会语言学的交叉领域学科。(最初语言学的核心学科是:音位学、句法学、语义学等。后来语言学和其他学科结合生成语言学的边缘学科:心理语言学、应用语言学、社会语言学。而社会语言学新兴的交叉领域研究包括:语用学、话语分析、会话分析以及批评语言学。)批判语言学的核心是意识形态概念,旨在揭示语言结构背后所隐藏的意识形态和社会权利关系。第三方面,作者通过图解来具体地分析、比较了传统文体分析模式和女权主义视角中的文体分析模式,指出旧模式欠缺对超文本因素(extratextual)的分析,是非性别(gender-blind)分析。女权主义者不仅分析文体,而且通过分析和行为方式来改变社会关系。新模式可以提高性别意识(consciousness-raising),促使读者重新研究文体中的性别,这样的研究不仅仅是学术性的,也是政治性的。
    入认STER’5 TllLSIS
This thesis is a tentative endeavor to conduct a stylistic analysis on English advertising at two levels, that is, lexis and discourse. The theory guiding this thesis is Critical Linguistics.
    The thesis gives general introduction of advertising as the beginning part. Before conducting analysis, the author elaborates stylistic analysis at three aspects: (1) the reason, (2) the theory, (3) the model of stylistic analysis from a feminist perspective. Firstly, by exploring and pursuing the relationship among language, sexuality and power the feminists try to develop 'non-phallocentric' ways of thinking, shaping 'what seems a common desire to nonbinary, nonoppositional thought.' Feminist Dale Spender spoke of the English language as being 'man-made' and being an important contributor to women's oppression. Thus the traditional stylistic analysis represents males' position and such stylisticians position themselves very much within the domain of the phallocentric stylistic criticism which feminist theory aims to criticize and displace. Therefore, what is needed is to develop a new way of conducting stylistic analysis from a feminist perspective (new analysis). Secondly, relating the language of texts t
    o extra-textual political processes new analysis has a precursor in Critical Linguistics, an instrumental linguistic theory based on Halliday's Systemic-Functional Linguistics. Critical Linguistics is the study of texts from an avowedly political perspective which is developed by Fowler, Hodge and Kress. Language is seen very much as a social phenomenon and some linguists view Critical Linguistics a discipline associated with Sociolinguistics. The original core disciplines of Linguistics are Phonemics, Syntactics and Semantics. Later, some interdisciplines such as Psycholinguistics, Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics develop from the combination of Linguistics and other subjects. And new researches on intersecting fields of Sociolinguistics include Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Dialogue Analysis and Critical Linguistics. Central
    to Critical Linguistic analysis is the notion of ideology and furthermore the prime focus of Critical Linguistics is to unmask those ideologies which seem to be hidden within language-use which poses itself as natural. Thirdly, by illustrating and comparing the traditional stylistic model and new model thoroughly, the author points out that it isn't easily discussing the extratextual processes with old one because it's gender-blind. Feminists are concerned not only to conduct stylistic analysis but also to change social relations through the analysis and through forms of action. The new model can develop into a form of consciousness-raising, force readers to re-examine the text in the light of a consideration of gender. It is not simply an academic exercise and it is primarily political.
    The clarification of all these theories paves the way for the practical part of the thesis: stylistic analysis on English advertising from a Feminist perspective. At the level of words, the author analyzes the generic pronouns, generic nouns, diminutives and endearments, euphemism and taboo, lexical gaps in the advertisements. The traditional argument is that the generic pronouns and nouns are used not sex-specifically, but generically; that is, although they refer grammatically to the singular male, they should be taken to refer to both male and female in general. But in linguistic reality, people tend to visualize male participants. Some female words with affixes '-ette', '-ess' are addressed as diminutives which have derogatory and trivializing connotations generally. Some endearments can be classified as insults which sound demeaning, being applied more frequently to women than to men and which in fact reproduce asymmetric patriarchal power relations. Some advertisements deal with women's private experience which generates euphemisms and taboos. Most of them employ negative metaphorical structure which depicts incorrect female's experience and embodies the unfair treatment towards female.
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