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Contemporary feminine historical novels refer to those novels written by contemporary feminine authors, from the viewpoint of being a female, to reflect the fate of storied females and to express the contemporary ideas on feminism. New historical novels usually are composed with the contemporary thoughts and in the contemporary narrating ways to reflect historical stories, however, instead of advocating the traditional moralizing meanings, to grasp another meaning of those stories. Once the history is described as the result from the inevitability of desires together with the chanciness of history, the fantasy and subjectivity of authors becomes the tensile backstops of their writings. Therefore, proceeding from this meaning, new historical novels would be the best position for contemporary feminine authors to thoroughly write and express the contemporary ideas on feminism."To
    research females is to rewrite the history" ( [ USA ] Joe Kelly), and contemporary
    feminine historical novels achieve this mission by redefining and reflecting female images. Thereinafter, with the definitions in The Great Mother: Analyzing Archetype, this essay divides the female images in contemporary feminine historical novels into four types as Femme Fatale, Maid, the Mother and Witch, to analyse, to unscramble and to grasp the ideas on feminism they reflect; what's more, by using four colors of Red, White, Purple and black respectively , it sums up the meanings of these four types of images: feminine self-expression, feminine narcissism, feminine self-improvement and abnormal mentality of those self-assumed females.
    The essay composes of three parts: foreword, text, and epilogue.
    The foreword focuses on discussing the influences of the conception, theories, and skills from new historical novels in the composition of feminine historical novels,
    bringing in traditional ideas on female images, recognition and redefinition of self-image from contemporary females, introducing the theories of transfiguring and dividing the original image "the Great Mother" into four types images, as well as presenting the viewpoints of the author.
    The text combines the lengthways comparison of the historical ideas and the horizontal analysis of the contemporaneous novels, including four parts as following: Part 1: Red Femme Fatale: the saying of "Beauty brings misfortune" and the feminine self-expression. Cutting in with the conceptions of deviationism, blooding and heroism etc., this part analyses how Femme Fatales overthrow the traditional saying of "Beauty brings misfortune", and how they express the strong self-awareness and desires deep in their hearts such as creativity and seeking for enthusiasm etc. Part 2: White ?Maid: gentlewomanlism and feminine narcissism. This part distinguishes the psychological narcissism from feminine narcissism. The former is an affirmation and pursue to gentlewomanlism, while the latter is an affirmation to selfhood of female themselves, which comes from the awakening of feminine self-existence and self-expression. It has ascended to some perfection or to an area which the male is out of charge. In the part, Maid is described as a linear evolution as the
    following: spiritualization--expiation and nirvana--Maid on the ruins--
    psychic self-perfection.
    Part 3: Purple ?the Mother: Maternal worship and feminine self-improvement. Herein the Mother does not refer to the worship to the maternal procreation and lactation, but to the affirmation of their tough vitality and strength. By overthrowing the image of the Mother, those works disclose the unrighteousness, distortion and abnormal which conceal deeply behind the motherhood. This is a more mature and integrated maternity: it is the source of the feelings and a way of enriching the life; it is a pivot of feminine independence; it is a form of distorted and transfigured love and mature; it
    is a succession, metamorphosis and sublimation f fate.
    Part 4: Black Witch: abhorring hellcats and self-assumed females. Those witches, hellcats and madwomen are
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    2 郑必俊《走进女性研究》(李小江等著《身临“奇”境——性别、学问、人生》,江苏人民出版社,2000年,第155页),第155页
    3 [法]克里斯蒂纳·德·皮桑《妇女城》(学林出版社,李霞译,2002年),第34页
    4 同上,第489页
    5 参见[德]埃希利·诺伊曼著《大母神——原型分析》(东方出版社,李以洪译,1998年),第67-68页
    6 赵玫《我们的方式·后记》(《武则天·女皇》,上海古籍出版社,1998年),第564-565页
    7 《旧唐书》卷五十一,中华书局
    8 参见林丹娅《当代中国女性文学史论》(厦门大学出版社,2003年),第65页
    9 赵玫《高阳公主·长歌》(上海古籍出版社,2001年),第270-271页
    10 [德]埃希利·诺伊曼著《大母神——原型分析》(东方出版社,李以洪译,1991年),第149页
    11 《旧唐书·列传第一·后妃上》,中华书局
    12 《太平广记钞·卷四十四·才妇》,中州书画社
    13 赵玫《上官婉儿》(长江文艺出版社,2001年),第61页
    14 同上,第1页
    15 须兰《武则天》(从“黄金书屋”网上获得原著)
    16 同上
    17 徐小斌《逃离意识与我的创作》(《当代作家评论》1996年6月)
    18 转引自赵玫《武则天·女皇·后记》(上海古籍出版社,1998年),第560页
    19 徐小斌《走近徐坤》(《当代作家评论》1996年6月)
    20 《释名》(转引自陈晓兰《女性主义批评与文学诠释》,敦煌文艺出版社,1999年)
    21 冰魂《女性亮点——二十一世纪女性白皮书》(北方妇女儿童出版社,2002年),第39页
    22 [德]埃希利·诺伊曼著《大母神——原型分析》(东方出版社,李以洪译,1998年),第342页
    23 [法]吉尔·里波韦兹基《第三类女性——女性地位的可变性和不变性》(湖南文艺出版社,田常晖、张峰译,2000年),第103页
    24 冰魂《女性亮点——二十一世纪女性白皮书》(北方妇女儿童出版社,2002年),第65页
    25 李小江等著《历史、史学与性别》(江苏人民出版社,2002年),第425页
    26 玛丽·伊格尔顿编著《女权主义文学理论》,胡敏等译,湖南文艺出版社,第84页,1989年,(转引自林丹娅《当代中国女性文学史论》,厦门大学出版社,2003年第94-95页)
    27 [澳]杰梅茵·格里尔著《女太监》(百花文艺出版社,欧阳昱译,2002年),第321页
    28 铁凝《玫瑰门》(作家出版社,1997年),第186页
    29 张抗抗《赤彤丹朱》(人民文学出版社,1995年)第263页
    30 陈惠芬(《神话的窥破——当代中国女性写作研究》,上海社会科学出版社,1996年),第113页
    31 [美]沃尔什《历史哲学导论》(广西师范大学出版社,何兆武、张文杰译,2001年),第141页
    32 同上,第155页
    33 [美]玛莉莲·亚隆《乳房的历史》(华龄出版社,何颖怡译,2001.年)

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