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Women's higher education of the United States began in the early19th century, whichhas been nearly200years hitherto, full of sinuosity and achievement. From the first time theOberlin College recruits female students to the actual situation that female students catch upwith the male at nearly every step of higher education, there is a quantitative change ofWomen’s higher education of the United States; from focusing on enrollment to the equalityof educational procedure and outcome, there is a qualitative change of developmental logos;from satisfying the needs of the mainstream group to the minority and margin group, Women’s higher education becomes more multiplex. Running back over this history, we can find thatit is a story about women who fight for and vindicate their own rights. As a historicaldisadvantaged minority, women are especially influenced by factors, such as traditionalgender culture, women’s self-awareness, public policy, social background, the developmentof higher education and etc. With the spread of gender-equality consciousness and the laws ofanti-sexual discrimination in educational filed in the end of the20th century, there are lots ofchanges in American higher education, for example, the breaking down of the limits ofgender-based differences in major/subject, the forming of female-friendly environment inclassroom and on campus. Besides, women’s studies has become an important part of themulti-cultural curriculum revolution on American campus. However under the influence ofmajor choice and the “glass-ceiling effect”, the educated American women still couldn’tenjoy the full equal status as men. The relationship between higher education and women'seconomic and social advancement remains alienated.
     According to the chronological order,this dissertation narrates and evaluates the historyof Women’s higher education in the United States under the perspective of Feminist, usingthe methods of gender analysis, documents analysis, charts, comparative analysis etc. It focuson the historical accomplishment and experience of American women’s history, and tries togive some proposals on Chinese women’s higher education.
     This dissertation is divided into three parts: Introduction; the principal part which consists of four chapters; and the Conclusion. In each chapter of the principal part, it bothoutlines the history of American women’s higher education from the macro-level, andanalyses the contributing factors on the micro-level. Accounting detailedly, Chapter1discusses the women’s Academy and the origin of American women’s higher education; theforming of the mode of American women’s higher education: the coexistence of single-sexcollege, the coordinate and the coeducation; and taking Catherine Beecher as the example toexplore the thought of women’s higher education in the early times. Chapter2relates to theperiod between the Great Depress and the mid-1960s, expatiating the recession of women’shigher education, and find out the reason why it came forth. At the end of this chapter, there isa discussion about how the public policy may effect on women’s higher education, taking theG. I. Bill of1944as example. Chapter3relates to the period of Contemporary Women’sRight Movement to the late1970s, focusing on the fast and the overall resuscitation ofAmerican women’s higher education, especially the great development of coeducationalhigher education, and the federal policy of anti-sex discrimination in higher education.Chapter4relates to the period of early1980s to2000, under the context of female caught upwith male in enrollment comprehensive, it discussed the "new gender gap" on Americancampus and its challenge for women. The part of Conclusion is based on the former part ofthis dissertation, focusing on the principle factor which effect on American women seek forhigher education. Combining with the situation of Chinese women's higher education, it triesto give some proposals.
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    ②Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education for Women in Postwar America1945-1965[M] Baltinore: The JohnsHopkins University Press,2006:165-174.
    ③数据来源NCES. Table247. Earned degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by level of degreeand sex of student: Selected years,1869-70to2013-14
    ④1985-86学年,美国女性获得50.3%的硕士学位,35.2%的博士学位;1995-96学年分别上升为55.9%和39.9%;1999-2000学年分别为58.0%和44.1%。据美国教育数据统计中心的预测,到2013年左右获得博士学位的女性也将多于男性。数据来源:NCES. Table247.
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    ⑦Tamar Lewin. At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust [N].New York Times.2006.7.9.
    ⑧里根-布什时代撤消(withdraw)了女性教育平等办公室、民权办公室和平等就业机会委员会,严重地削弱了这些部门在保护女性和少数族裔不受歧视侵害方面的监管能力;1982年,《平等权利修正案》成为死案;1998年克林顿福利改革法案在实际上造成“福利妈妈”无力追求高等教育;2002年小布什政府撤消了白宫的妇女联络办公室;同年通过一项州权议程(states-right agenda),以能力标准取代积极行动政
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    ④凯瑟琳·比彻分别于1824和1832创办女子学园;玛丽·里昂于1837年创办蒙特·霍约女子学园(MountHolyoke Seminary).
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    ①Florence Howe. Myths of Coeducation: selected essay,1964-1983s[M].Bloomington: Indiana university press,1984:273.
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    ⑥Barbara. M. Solomon. In the company of educated women: A history of women and higher education inAmerica [M].New Haven: Yale University Press,1985:146.
    ⑧Barbara. M. Solomon. In the company of educated women:Ahistory of women and higher education inAmerica
    [M].New Haven: Yale University Press,1985:146.
    ①Mabel Newcomer,ACentury of Higher Education forAmeircan Women [M]. NewYork: Harper Press,1959:46.
    ④Mabel Newcomer,A Century of Higher Education for Ameircan Women [M]. New York: HarperPress,1959:92-93.
    ①Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education for Women in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The JohnsHopkins University Press.2006:45.
    ②Ross L. Mooney. High-school girls are not going to college unless…[J]. The Journal of Higher Education.1943(14):307-308.
    ③Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education for Women in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The Johns
    Hopkins University Press.2006, p45.1946年,当女生获得博士学位的比达到历史最高时,女性占大学生和研究生的比已经骤然下降到31.8%和50.6%。笔者认为这种女生在不同教育层次间比例变化的差异主要与学位教育培养制度有关。1946年获得博士学位的女生大部分于战争后期入学,博士培养机制决定了战后重返校园的多数男子不可能马上取得入学资格。
    ①Mary E. Murphy. War and the Woman’s College[J]. The Journal of Higher Education.1941(3):145.
    ④The Minnesota Plan for the Continuing Educaation of Women,转引自Linda Eisenmann. Higher Educationfor Women in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.2006:185.
    ⑤Linda Eisenmann. A Time of Quiet Activism: Research, Practice, and Policy in American Women's HigherEducation,1945-1965[J].History of Education Quarterly,2005(45).
    ④John R.Thelin.Ahistory ofAmerican higher education [M]. Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,2004:299-300.
    ①文中数据根据NCES原始数据计算而得。数据来源:Table187. Historical summary of faculty, students,degrees, and finances in degree-granting institutions: selected yeas,1869-70through2006-07.
    ①NCES: Percentage of persons age25and over and25to29, by race/ethnicity, years of school completed, and sex: Selectedyears,1910through2009.[EB/OL] www.nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d09/tables/dt09_008.asp
    ②Mabel Newcomer,A Century of Higher Education for Ameircan Women [M]. New York: HarperPress,1959:46.
    ④Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education for Women in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The Johns
    ①Judith G. Touchton&Lynne Davis. Fact book on Women in Higher Education[M]. New York: AmericanCouncil on Education and Macmillan Publishing Company,1991.硕士学位数据p207,博士学位数据p216.
    ②Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education for Women in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The JohnsHopkins University Press.2006:45
    ③NCES. Education Statistics Quarterly-Volume4[M].Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education,2002(1):44.
    ②1949-50年N CES首次对第一级专业学位授予情况进行单独统计,之前的专业学位数据合并于学士学位数据中。
    ③C. M. Louttit. Women:Their Roles and Education [J]. Journal of Higher Education.1953(4):204.
    ①Mabel Newcomer,A Century of Higher Education forAmeircan Women [M]. New York: Harper Press,1959:179.
    ②Stacey Jones. Dynamic Social Norms and the Unexpected Transformation of Women’s HigherEducation,1965-1980[C]. Meeting of the Economic History Association,2004:15.
    ①Rosalind Rosenberg. Divided Lives: American Women in the Twentieth Century[M].New York: Hill andWang,1992:147.
    ②Betty Friedan. The Feminine Mystique [M].New York: Dell Publishing CO., INC.1963:143.
    ④Betty Friedan. The Feminine Mystique [M].New York: Dell Publishing CO., INC.1963:147-148.
    ①转引自:Dynamic Social Norms and the Unexpected Transformation of Women’s HigherEducation,1965-1980[C] Meeting of the Economic History Association,2004:14.
    ②职业女性(professional women)不同于就业女性(employed women)。职业(profession或career)是指需要特别训练并终身或长时间从事的工作;而单纯的就业则可能是随意的、暂时的、不需要特殊技能的。
    ③转引自Stacey Jones. Dynamic Social Norms and the Unexpected Transformation of Women’s HigherEducation,1965-1980[C] Meeting of the Economic History Association,2004:14.
    ①Stacey Jones. Dynamic Social Norms and the Unexpected Transformation of Women’s HigherEducation,1965-1980[C] Meeting of the Economic History Association,2004:13-14.
    ②David Tyack&Elisabeth Hansot. Learning Together: A History of Coeducation in American Schools
    [M].New Haven: Yale University Press.1990:245.
    ③Mabel Newcomer,A Century of Higher Education for Ameircan Women [M]. New York: HarperPress,1959:37-38.
    ①Mabel Newcomer,ACentury of Higher Education forAmeircan Women [M]. NewYork: Harper Press,1959:43.
    ①Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education for Women in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The JohnsHopkins University Press.2006:18.
    ②Stacey Jones. Dynamic Social Norms and the Unexpected Transformation Of Women’s HigherEducation,1965-1980[C] Meeting of the Economic History Association,2004:9.
    ①Stacey Jones. Dynamic Social Norms and the Unexpected Transformation Of Women’s HigherEducation,1965-1980[C] Meeting of the Economic History Association,2004:74.
    ②Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education for Women in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The JohnsHopkins University Press.2006:185.
    ①Sarah Lawrence Archives:Anderson to Raushenbush,1961转引自:Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education forWomen in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.2006:191.
    ①Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education for Women in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The JohnsHopkins University Press.2006:194.
    ①G.I.代指Government Issue,原指“军用品”,后泛指各种与军人有关的问题。Joe和Jane代指普通男女。
    ③Linda Eisenmann. Higher Education for Women in Postwar America,1945-1965[M]. Baltimore: The JohnsHopkins University Press.2006:49.
    ②John R. Thelin. A history of American higher education [M]. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UniversityPress.2004:267.
    ①Florence Howe. Myths of Coeducation: Selected Essays,1964-1983[M]. Bloomington: Indiana UniversityPress,1984:269.
    ③Stacey Jones. Dynamic Social Norms and the Unexpected Transformation of Women’s Higher Education,
    ①Judith G. Touchton&Lynne Davis. Fact Book on Women in Higher Education [M]. New York: AmericanCouncil on Education and Macmillan Publishing Company.1991:167-168.
    ②Alexander Astin, The undergraduate woman [A]. Helen S Astin,&Werner Z.Hirsch, The higher educationof women: Essays in honor of Rosemary Park[C]. New York: Praeger Publishers.1987:111.
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    187[M]. New York: NCES,2009:277.
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    ③Rodney J. Reed. Affirmative Action in Higher Education: Is it necessary?[J].The Journal of Negro
    ①Stacey Jones. Dynamic Social Norms and the Unexpected Transformation of Women’s Higher Education,1965to1980[C]. Meeting of the Economic History Association,2004:24.
    ①Stacey Jones. Dynamic Social Norms and the Unexpected Transformation of Women’s Higher Education,1965to1980[C]. Meeting of the Economic History Association,2004:40
    ①Betty Friedan. The National Organization for Women's1966Statement of Purpose [EB/OL].http://www.now.org/history/purpos66.html.
    ②1963年,来自弗吉尼亚的民主党众议员,隔离主义者霍华德·史密斯(Howard Smith)出于阻挠民权法修正案有关禁止就业歧视条款的通过,而故意在修正案第七条的条文中加入“性别”项。史密斯的这一举动被某些国会议员视为令第7条胎死腹中的好办法。然而出乎保守者意料的是,在约翰逊总统高超的政治斡旋下,1964年民权法修正案以290:130获得众议院通过,四个月后以71:29在参议院通过。性别并没有像霍华德·史密斯设想的那样成为阻止法案通过的绊脚石,反而无心插柳地使女性平等就业权获得立法承认,美国平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)领导人Herman Edelsberg将女性权益的获得称其为“侥幸的私生子”。
    ③Claudia Goldin&Lawrence Katz. The power of the pill: Oral Contraceptives and women’s career andmarriage decisions[J]. The Journal of Political Economy,2002(110):745-746.
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    ①契约式学习(Contract Learning)是一种以学生为中心,目的在于培养学生独立学习机具有自我导向学习内力的有效方法。学习者必须承认一份学习契约,然后努力完成目标。具有很大的灵活性。
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