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     试验 1 选用 8 头 3 月龄波杂山羊,通过调控日粮,设定四种目标增重水
     沉积 Ca=0.4765*I+0.0021DMI-0.0017G-1.6356(R2=0.948,P<0.001)
     沉积 P=-1.001*I+0.0037DMI-0.0022G-0.9208(R2=0.672,P<0.05)
     试验 2 选用 8 头 14 月龄波杂山羊,通过在基础日粮中添加钙,研究四种
     Y=-0.0259X2+ 0.4569X-0.6715
     R2=0.9937 P<0.001
     R2=0.8388 P<0.001
     试验 3 选用 8 头 15 月龄波杂山羊,通过在基础日粮中添加磷,研究四种
     Y=-0.157X2+0.848X-0.751 R2=0.9459 P<0.001
     G=-21.83X2+108.86X-57.53 R2=0.9905 P<0.001
    率较高,当日粮中磷的浓度较高时,严重影响磷的吸收率。血清 PTH 和 AKP
     本研究测定了特定阶段波杂山羊钙磷需要量参数,14 月龄波杂山羊钙的
    维持需要为 22.4 mg/kgLW·d,钙的生长净需要量为 5.73 g/kgLWG;15 月龄波
    杂山羊磷的维持需要为 25.0 mg/kgLW·d,磷的生长净需要量为 4.95g/kgLWG。
The following three experiments measure the calcium and phosphorus metabolism
    of growing crossbred Boer goats (a crossbreed between male Boer goats and
    female Saanen goats), in an effort to determine the calcium and phosphorus
    requirements of those crossbred Boer goats.
    The first experiment involved eight 3-month old crossbred Boer goats. They
    were given four differently formulated rations with different target body weights.
    The sensitivity indexes were determined in relation to the metabolism of calcium
    and phosphorus. In this study, two formulas were derived showing the
    relationship between the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus with the average
    daily gain (ADG) (G ,g/d), DMI ( g/d), and the daily calcium intake (I, g/d).
     d-Ca=0.4765*I+0.0021DMI-0.0017G-1.6356 (R2=0.948,P<0.001)
     d-P=-1.001*I+0.0037DMI-0.0022G-0.9208 (R2=0.672, P<0.05)
    The second experiment involved eight 14-month old crossbred Boer goats. In
    order to measure the effect of calcium content on calcium and phosphorus
    metabolism, these goats were given four different base rations of various calcium
    content (1.36 g/d,3.65g/d,7.16g/d,11.77g/d). In this study, two formulas were
    derived showing the relationship between the daily calcium intake (X, g/d) with
    ADG(G, g/d) and the metabolism of calcium(Y, g/d).
     Y=-0.0259 X2+ 0.4569X-0.6715 R2=0.9937 P<0.001
     G=-1.1416 X2+15.677X+142.28 R2=0.8388 P<0.001
    The third experiment involved eight 15-month old crossbred Boer goats. In order
    to measure the effect of phosphorus content on calcium and phosphorus
    metabolism, these goats were given four different base rations of various
    phosphorus content (0.89g/d,1.31g/d,2.55g/d,4.16g/d). In this study, two
    formulas were derived showing the relationship between the daily phosphorus
    intake (X, g/d) with ADG(G, g/d) and the metabolism of phosphorus (Y, g/d).
     Y=-0.157X2+0.848X-0.751 R2=0.9459 P<0.001
     G=-21.83X2+108.86X-57.53 R2=0.9905 P<0.001
     This research on the calcium and phosphorus metabolism of crossbred Boer goats
    has yielded the following insights: first, rations low in calcium or phosphorus
    result in an internal calcium and phosphorus metabolic imbalance. Second,
    calcium absorption decreases as the calcium content in the ration increases. Third,
    because the inherent rate of phosphorus absorption is relatively high, rations with
    high concentrations of phosphorus have serious effects on the rate of phosphorus
    absorption. Fourth, serum activity of PTH and AKP is cyclic in nature; this
    activity is also sensitive to changes in plasma concentration of calcium and
    This research has also identified the calcium and phosphorus maintenance and
    growth requirements of crossbred Boer goats at the 14 and 15 month stages of
    development. 14-month old crossbred Boer goats have a calcium maintenance
    requirement of 22.4 mg/kgLW/d and a calcium growth requirement of 5.73
    g/kgLWG; 15-month old crossbred Boer goats have a phosphorus maintenance
    requirement of 25 mg/kgLW/d and a phosphorus growth requirement of 4.95
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