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盆腔瘀血综合征(pelvic venous congestion syndrome,PVCS)是由于盆腔静脉或静脉丛曲张、瘀血引起的慢性下腹疼痛,低位腰痛,性交痛及植物神经功能紊乱等的综合征。为妇科常见病,尤以生育期年龄段为多见。其原因可以有多种,盆腔静脉曲张瘀血是其中之一。女性盆腔静脉数量多,其结构有其特殊性,静脉间有较多的吻合支,静脉壁薄,缺乏筋膜组成的外鞘,中小静脉没有瓣膜。因此,弹性差,穿行在盆腔疏松的结缔组织之中,容易扩张和形成众多弯曲的静脉丛。中医古籍无盆腔瘀血综合征之病名的记载,仅有病因病机的描述,根据其临床特点,应属于祖国医学中的“妇人腹痛”、“产后腹痛”、“腹中痛”、“小腹痛”、“带下病”等范畴。祖国医学多认为瘀血阻络是本病发生的基本病机。
PVCS,what pelvic congestion can lead to,is a syndrome,including chronic lower abdominal pain,low back pain,sexual pain autonomic dysfunction and so on.It is a common gynecological which often occurs in women of reproductive age period.There is a lot of factors that can lead to PVCS,and one of the reasons is that pelvic varicose veins and pelvic venous congestion happen.There is a large number of veins at the pelvic cavity of women,and its structure is unique,where there are more inter-vein anastomosis sticks,thin-walled vein,the lack of fibrous sheath composed of aponeurosis and medium-sized veins without valves.Therefore,when the veins in the pelvic cavity of loose connective tissue pass through,it is easy to expansion and the formation of large curved venous plexus.Ancient Chinese medicine have no the disease records of PVCS,and only have a description of etiology and pathogenesis.According to the clinical features of disease,it should belong to "the women abdominal pain," "post-partum abdominal pain," "abdomen pain","lower abdomen pain",or "the disease of daixia",and blood resistance network is considered the basic pathogenesis of disease in Chinese Medicine.
     In this paper,60 cases of PVCS patients were selected at our hospital out-patient diagnosed gynecologic and clinical data will be haven a retrospectively statistics analysis.60 patients were randomly divided into treatment group 30 cases and 30 cases of the control group.GuizhiFuling soup flavored microwave combination of rectal reperfusion therapy is used to treatment group,and the chinese medicine suppositories is used to the control group.Clinical symptoms were observed before and after treatment, as well as Color Change Pelvic Venous Doppler penumbra diameter changes, and statistical analysis before and after treatment.The results show thatGuizhiFuling flavored soup rectal infusion combined with microwave treatment can significantly improve clinical symptoms of PVCS,the total effective rate 93.3%in treatment group,the total effective rate 73.3%in control group,and comparison of two groups of symptoms have differences in total score(P<0.05);Color Doppler examination showed that after treatment both the treatment group and control group can reduce the pelvic veins dark band diameter,so the effect rate of treatment group noticeably higher than that of comparison group.But the two groups is compared no significant difference(P>0.05).Tips GuizhiFuling flavored soup rectal infusion combined with microwave therapy for PVCS has a significant effect. It is synergy that enema with Chinese medicine combined with microwave is used to treat PVCS.And it could accelerate the rectal absorption of Chinese medicine to strengthen the effectiveness of two types of treatment.
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