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This paper aims at machine-aided translation of Chinese classical tea poetry through the perspective of semiotics, pointing out that this pilot study could provide a philosophical and methodological foundation to relevant researches. Samples and statistics are analyzed and synthesized as evidence to prove the effect.
     In the introduction, the author expresses her expectation to build a framework with a tripod of compute technology, semiotical C-E transcoding theory and classical corpus as a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural approach to introduce Chinese tea poetry to the world.
     The second chapter retrieves the development of semiotics in the linguistic domain. Multi-dimensional analysis of Chinese as an ideographic language is given in comparison with English as a phonetic symbol language. Elaborated investigation is undertaken to reveal the special characteristics of 2-signifier Chinese. More semiotic features in a language revealed through Chinese NLP technology are highlighted.
     ChapterⅢcombines the theoretical framework with specific corpus to illustrate the instantiated semiotic features of classical tea poetry. Chinese and English poetic symbols are compared to demonstrate their identification and mutual features, justifying the advantages of the semiotic perspective focused on in the next chapter.
     Chapter IV uses linguistics and cognitive theories to confirm the possibilities of the psychological engram shift in the transcoding process, hopefully laying a solid foundation for this interdisciplinary research in the next two chapters.
     Chapter V pinpoints the application of computational technology. Five aspects are undertaken to prove and justify the possibility of cross-disciplinary venture. They are "the statistical research on automatic selection of ending rhymes in tea poetry", "the bi-lingual knowledge base of tea-specific terms", "the identifying and processing of tea metaphors as foundation for machine translation", "the analysis of the inter-lingual proto version of MT", "an approach of tree pruning on the fast segmentation of classical texts"
     The last chapter shows some practical translation works and reflections on them. It is expected that this pilot study could be of some use for the active spreading of Chinese culture and the upgrading of the auxiliary technology for researchers in this field.
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