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     方法:应用CNKI中文数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、PubMed和Highwire press外文全文数据库进行文献的检索。
Objective:In recent years,studies have shown that the incidence rate of invasive fungal infection in patients with haematologic malignancies have increased gradually,because of long-term use broad-spectrum antibiotics,chemotherapy drugs, immunosuppressor and hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients increasing.Invasive fungal infection has become the common complication and cause of death in patients with haematological malignancies.Invasive fungal infection has non-specificity symptom and variety of clinical manifestation, antifungal drugs have side effect and expensive in price,Which have resulted in great difficulty of invasive fungal infection diagnosis and treatment.In this paper,pathogeny epidemiology, susceptible factor,clinic characters,detecting methods,process of diagnosis and antifungal drugs of invasive fungal infection in patients with haematological malignancie were systemically reviewed.
     Methods:To search the documents utilizing the CNKI and CBM databases,PubMed and Highwire press database.
     Results:The major pathogenic fungis of invasive fungal infection in patients with haematological malignancies are Candida and aspergillus.The morbidity is greatly increasing in the world.The susceptible factor is closely related to the disease itself who exist immundeficiency and therapy factor such as the application of cytotoxic drug,immunosuppressor and broad-spectrum antibiotics.The most common site of infection is the respiratory system,followed by central nervous system and digestive system.The methods of pathogeny detecting are morphology,serology,molecular biology examination.The diagnosis of invasive fungal infection in patients with haematological malignancies was divided into three levels.They are final diagnosis,clinical diagnosis and possible diagnosis based on factor of host,clinical manifestation and microbiology criteria.Therapeutic principle may be categorized as prophy-lactic treatment,empiric treatment,clinical diagnosis treatment, final diagnosis treatment and combination therapy.The effect of several antifungal agents has improved such as lipid formulations of amphotercin B,new azoles and echinoca.
     1 The major species of fungal are candida and aspergillus of invasive fungal infection in patients with haematological malignancies.The morbidity is greatly increasing in the world. The most common site of infection was the respiratory system.
     2 The methods of pathogeny detection are based upon morphology,serology and molecular biology examination.
     3 Three levels of diagnosis are final diagnosis,clinical diagnosis and possible diagnosis of invasive fungal infection in patients with haematological malignancies.Therapeutic principle may be categorized as prophylactic treatment,empiric treatment, clinical diagnosis treatment,final diagnosis treatment and combination therapy.
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