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Facing the contradiction of the diversity and depth of the tourism demands and the tourism products' single function and less connotation of the tourism supply, seeking a new model of development of tourism industry has become an urgent issue to solve. Tourism industry's convergence with other industries can get rich in the number of tourism products, improve the quality of tourism products and develop the new tourism industry, becoming an important way to solve the bottleneck in the development of the tourism industry. As the theoretical researches of tourism industry's convergence have started in recent years, there are a lot of controversies in the definition of the nature of tourim industry's convergence. It did not form a unified theoretical research framework, current researches are insufficient to give right proposals to the decelopment of practice, resulting in promoting the tourism industry's convergence with all industries in the practice. In this background, this paper proposes the research topic of the convergence models of tourism industry. This paper proposes convergence models of tourism industry based on conceptual model by combing and discriminating of convergence concepts of tourism industry. In order to validate the convergence models of the tourism industry, this paper makes empirical analyses to the three convergence models and puts forward further suggestions and comments for the future development of tourism industy's convergence based on the results of empirical analyses.
     This paper builds a conceptual model of tourism industry's convergence by combing and discriminating of convergence concepts of tourism industry and proposes the active, interactive and passive convergence models of tourism industry based on the conceptual model and analyses the formation mechanism of the three convergence models. This paper selects the tourism industry's convergence with agriculture, cultural industry and information industry as the research objects to argumentate the feasibility of the theory applied in practice. The research of the convergence of tourism industry and agriculture mainly puts forward hypotheses based on the relation between the industry association and convergence and then tests the hypotheses by measuring and analysing of the input rate and convergence degree. On this basis the paper makes further analyses on how tourism industry changes agricultural industry chain. The research of the convergence of tourism industry and cultural industry mainly puts forward hypotheses based on the relation between the industry coupling and convergence and tests the hypotheses by cointegration analysis. On this basis the paper makes further analyses to interactive convergence state in the tourism industry's convergence with cultural industry. The research of the convergence of tourism industry and information industry mainly puts forward hypotheses based on the relation between the industry clusters and convergence by correlation analysis. Finally, this paper summarizes the features of the three convergence models and proposes the advice to develop the tourism industry's convergence based on empirical research findings.
     In this paper, the innovations are reflected in three aspects. Firstly, this paper builds conceptual model of tourism industry and proposes three convergence models of tourism industry based on conceptual model in the theoretical research. The convergence models of tourism industry based on conceptual model embodies the difference of essence of different convergence model and covering all kinds of integration phenomenon. Secondly, this paper breaks the limitation of qualitative analysis in the current convergence model research of tourism industry. This paper proposes hypotheses based on the relationship of industry association, coupling, clusters and industry convergence and tests them by input rates analysis, cointegration analysis and correlation analysis. Thirdly, the conclusions of the study proves that the convergence between tourism industry and agricural industry is tourism industry's active convergence and confirms that active model can bring together to improve added value of the both industries, tests that the convergence between tourism industry and cultural industry is tourism industry's interactive convergence and identifies the driven industry and sectors in the interactive convergence, verifies that the information industry's role of driving the tourim industry to converge.
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