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As a worldwide economic phenomenon, industrial cluster always shows remarkable performance in the modern economic organizations, and it has become an important economic development model. As an advanced model of strategic alliances, knowledge alliance, the best system of knowledge transformation and the ideal cooperative new knowledge creation arrangement, has been widely accepted. Based on the previous studies, using kinds of research methods, this thesis makes an in-depth exploration in the enterprises knowledge alliance of industrial cluster.
     This thesis first summarizes the previous studies on industial cluster and knowledge alliance at home and abroad. In the summary of the industial clusters, it includes the definition, style and innovation network. And the summary of the previous studies of knowledge alliance includes its rise, motivation, knowledge conversion, knowledge sharing, knowledge innovation system and management.
     Then this thesis analyses the connotation, characteristics and advantages of the industial cluster and knowledge alliance respectively. Based on the analysis, this thesis summarises their commonness, then analyses the possibilities and the motives of the enterprises knowledge alliance in the industial cluster.
     And this thesis makes an in-depth research cn how to construct a knowledge alliance based on the industial cluster. This chapter includes the systematically research on the framework of knowledge accumulation, knowledge transfer system, knowledge sharing system and the knowledge innovation system.
     Finally, this thesis presents the writer’s own views about the management of the knowledge alliance, including choosing alliance partners, the model of alliance, the construction of the systematical knowledge alliance system, and the appeal to the governement’s induction and support.
     The main innovations of this thesis are as follows the presentation of the ultimate framework of the knowledge accumulation of the knowledge alliance, the analysis of the influencing the effects of knowledge transfer from four aspectors, the presentation of the explanation model map of the influence factors, the presentation of the knowledge sharing system based on the trust mechanism, the presentation of the knowledge innovation system based on knowledge transfer.
     This thesis enrichs the theoretical research of industial cluster and knowledge menagement which can practically instruct the construction and management of knowledge allience. But there are still some defects such as the research on the performance apraisal in the knowledge alliance, which need to be improved further in future researches.
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