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     实验选用健康雄性Wistar大鼠50只,体重(160±20)g,随机分为四组,空白组(C组)10只,其余40只大鼠腹腔注射链脲佐菌素(STZ)35mg/kg制造糖尿病大鼠模型,以72h后随机血糖≥16.7mmol/L为造模成功,造模成功后将大鼠随机分为糖尿病模型组(DM组),人参皂苷Re组(Re组),吡格列酮组(P组),分别给予相应量的纯净水,人参皂苷Re25mg/(kg d),吡格列酮10mg/(kg d)灌胃,连续给药4周。4周后处死大鼠,分别检测血糖、血脂,血清和心肌组织中SOD活性和MDA含量以及心肌组织中Bcl-xl,caspase9表达,观察心肌结构改变。
Diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM) is one of the major chroniccomplications of diabetes. It is closely related to the high morbidity andmortality of diabetic patients. Many studies show that, hyperglycemia inducedoxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of DCM. It is animportant factor in the progress of DCM. And oxidative stress promotes cardiacand vascular injury through the regulation of apoptosis. Until now, therecognization of ginsenoside Re on myocardial protection are mailyconcentrated in the animal model of ischemic cardiomyopathy. There have notbeen reported that whether ginsenoside Re has a protective effect in DCM. Inthis study, we will focus on the effect of ginsenoside Re on anti-oxidation andanti-apoptotic and show that ginsenoside Re has myocardial protective effectson diabetic cardiomyopathy in rats.
     50healthy male Wistar rats [(160±20) g] were prepared in the study. Therats were divided into four groups at random and control group (c group) had10rats. The rest40rats were made diabetic model be given streptozotocin(STZ)35mg/kg by intraperitoneal injection.72hours later, the rats whose bloodglucose was above16.7mmol/L three consecutive days were regarded as thesuccess of diabetes mellitus rat model. After the model was successful, the ratswere divided into diabetic model (DM group), ginsenoside Re group (Re group)and pioglitazone group (P group) at random and were given correspondingamount of pure water, ginsenoside Re25mg/(kg·d) and pioglitazone10mg/(kg·d) by intragastric administration. All four groups were four weeks byintragastric administration in a row. All rats were killed after4weeks. Glucoseand lipids were tested. The SOD activities and content of MDA in serum and cardiac tissue were tested respectively. The expression of Bcl-xl and caspase-9in cardiac tissue were detected. Observe the change of myocardial sructure.
     The results show that Re and P groups can significantly improve thesymptoms, such as polyphagia, polydipsia and polyuria, increase weight andimprove the quality of life of rats. But the weight of Re and P groups was nosignificant difference (P>0.05). Compared with DM group, Re and P groupscan all lower the level of fasting blood glucose and serum total cholesterol andthe difference was significant (P<0.01). But compared with C group, the levelof fasting blood glucose and serum total cholesterol were all higher (P<0.01),and there is no significant difference between Re and P groups (P>0.05).Compared with DM group, Re and P groups could increase the activity of SODand decrease the content of MDA in serum and myocardial tissue, and thedifference was significant (P<0.05or P<0.01). But compared with C group,the activity of SOD were lower and the content of MDA were higher(P<0.05),and there is no significant difference between Re and P groups (P>0.05).Histopathological examination shows that compared with DM group, Re and Pgroups could decrease myocaidial injury, reduce myocardial collagen fibers andcollagen fiber content around capillaries, and reduce the infiltration ofinflammatory cells in the interstitial myocardial cells and the size of necrosis.The expression of myocardial apoptosis related proteins show that comparedwith DM group, Re and P groups could significantly reduce the expression ofthe apoptotic protein caspase-9, and improve the expression of theanti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xl and the difference was significant (P<0.01). Butthere is no significant difference between Re and P groups (P>0.05).
     Ginsenoside Re can reduce the level of fasting blood glucose and serumtotal cholesterol, increase the activity of SOD and decrease the level of MDA inserum and cardiac tissue in rats. Ginsenoside Re can also improve the damage of cardiac tissue structure and reduce the content of myocardial collagen fibersand collagen fiber around capillaries. Ginsenoside Re can inhibitcardiomyocyte apoptosis and increase myocardial cell survival to protectmyocardial cells by reducing the expression of caspase-9protein, andimproving the expression of the Bcl-xl protein.
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