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In nowadays with economic globalization and the rapid development of science and technology, the market competition among the enterprises is becoming fiercer and fiercer. Products need to be diversity, complex; the life cycle of the products has been shortened; the pace of innovation has been accelerated and the market became a great global market, which are pushing for the enterprises providing best qualities and best services with the lowest cost to response market. The emerging of Collaborative Product Design Chain strengthens the close cooperation between the enterprise and its partners and at the same time shortens time to market and improves the efficiency of products, thus ultimately gain the competitive advantage in the market. The enterprises always face the loss of corporate knowledge for the experts leaving, the insufficiency use of existing knowledge or the repeated mistakes for no accumulation and consolidation of design knowledge, which seriously erode the market competition of the enterprises. In order to cope with these problems, the enterprises must conduct a product design knowledge management. The Collaborative Product Design Chain set an even higher demand on product design knowledge, especially tacit knowledge sharing and reuse.
     In this paper, on the basis of analysis of Collaborative Product Design Chain, current research situation of tacit knowledge management both at home and abroad and the existing means of Collaborative Product Design Chain Tacit Knowledge Explicitation, the existing problems are summarized. This paper combining with the demands of Collaborative Product Design Chain for tacit knowledge dominance and the theory of Knowledge Map and Knowledge Grid provides a method of Collaborative Product Design Chain Tacit Knowledge Explicitation and constructs the NTFS model of Collaborative Product Design Chain based on Knowledge Map. On the basis of the NTFS model, the Knowledge Grid was introduced and with the Knowledge Grid, the procedural model of Collaborative Product Design Chain knowledge reusing was constructed. This thesis analyzes the process and Access to the tacit knowledge acquisition of NTFS model on the Tacit Knowledge Explicitation and present an opinion that a knowledge resources database using knowledge cell as the minimum storage unit should be established and the knowledge resources database based Collaborative Product Design Chain Tacit Knowledge acquisition model should be constructed. At the same time the technology to acquire artificial neural network knowledge will be brought in. So that in technology the Collaborative Product Design Chain Tacit Knowledge can be acquired, in other words it means knowledge dominance. Finally, with the above research, take mobile for example, the study on the application of the technology to acquire the Collaborative Product Design Chain Tacit Knowledge (technology to acquire artificial neural network knowledge) based on knowledge map makes the conversion between symbolical space and numerical space come true and presents the BP network’s design proposal.
     The method presented in this article for the Collaborative Product Design Chain Tacit Knowledge Explicitation based on knowledge map considers the product design chain as a unity including all- round management of the analysis of market demand and the overall process of products delivering. The technology to acquire artificial neural network knowledge makes the tacit knowledge be absorbed and dominant effectively. If this method can be applied in Collaborative Product Design Chain, it can effectively help search, obtain, share, reuse the tacit knowledge and shorten the design circle and enhance the enterprises’competitiveness, thus ultimately gain the market proportion.
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