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The ocean is a part of basic components of global life-supporting system. The sustainable development of marine resources and environment is an important foundation to support the progress of human society and economy. It is important for us to raise the awareness of the public property characteristic of marine bioresources, the integrative characteristic of marine ecosystems, and the frangibility of marine environment. Marine bioresources is reproducible, but it is still limited in the nature. We should maintain the heath and well-circulation of marine ecosystem scientifically and exploit marine bioresources reasonably following the law of nature evolution to achieve harmonious development of marine resources, environment, economy, and society, and to realize the aim of harmoniousness between human and nature, and between environment and society so as to leave behind a favourable marine environment for our later generations.
     In present study, the peculiarities of marine bioresources and marine environment were analyzed and discussed. The status of Chinese marine bioresources, environment, ecosystem, and biodiversity were summarized, and the problems caused by exploitation, utilization, and management as well as the reasons were analyzed and evaluated by a series of methods including macroscopic and microscomic analysis, theoretical and practical analysis, and qualitative and quantitative analysis. The strategies and measures for protective exploitation and sustainable utilization of Chinese marine bioresources were proposed based on the principle of sustainable development.
     There are broad sea area and prolific marine bioresources in China Sea that is a treasure-house of resources for the development of Chinese economy and society. In China, marine bioresources have been used as high-quality seafood, medicines, functional products, and materials for other biological products. The marine aquatic product industry including marine fishery, marine aquaculture, and marine aquatic products processing industry has taken up much larger proportion in Chinese marine industry. Many serious problems, however, have arisen in exploitation and utilization of marine bioresources especially in recent 10 years. It has been affected unfavorably for us to utilize marine bioresources effectively and permanently by marine environment deterioration, ecosystem disturbance, biodiversity reduction, bioresources recession, marine pollution, and frequent eco-disaster. The main reasons caused theses problems are as follows: beyond marine carrying capacity and environment capability by predatory and extensive manners, over-exploitation of bioresources resulted in the disturbance of marine ecosystem and the obstruction of matter and energy circulation. Marine environment pollution and unreasonable oceanographic engineering caused serious damage of marine entironments, weakness of marine eco-functions, and degradation of marine ecosystems. The population explosion as well as the trend of population towards coast inflicted tremendous pressure on marine resources and environment. The weakness of marine laws system and the infirmness of macroscopical control by government policies relulted in unreasonable utilization, inefficient management, and insufficient protection of marine bioresources.
     The multiple correlations between marine bioresources, marine environment, marine ecosystem and marine economy were discussed based on sustainable development theory, system dynamics theory, ecosystem theory, ecological economics theory, and circular economy theory, respectively. The scientific management system was proposed to protect and manage Chinese marine bioresources comprehensively and systematically from the aspects of supervision, utilization, protection, resumption, control, and research by means of administration, policies, laws, rules, economy, and technology. Four notions, namely the resources-environment-economy-society harmonizing development notion, natural resources value notion, ecosystem management notion, and resources-environment-ecosystem-economy integrative management notion, were proposed for utilization, management, and protection of Chinese bioresources. Eight principles were also proposed that we should follow including sustainable development principle, ecosystem management principle, harmonious environment-economy-society benefits principle, marine entirety benefits principle, ocean-terrene integration principle, marine integrated management principle, marine functional control principle, and legal system principle. And 9 opinions and strategies were suggested for reasonable exploitation, administration and protection of Chinese marine bioresources based on the theoretical and practical analyses and referring to the modes of other countries as follows: to protect marine environment and biodiversity, to protect and resume marine fishery resources by fishery quota license system, to construct marine nature reserves, to establish and reinforce marine laws system, to establish national basic serving network, to strengthen government macro-control and management, to exploit and utilize marine bioresources comprehensively by high-technology, to intensify the basic research on marine bioresources science and to explore new marine bioresources, and to arouse the civil consciousness of marine environment.
     The innovation in this study is to analyze the situation of marine bioresources comprehensively and systematically by a series of theories of sustainable development, system dynamics, ecosystem, etc. The ideal is originality to exploit the marine bioresources reasonably under protection. Another originality is to propound the conception of scientific management system as well as the mode of whole-process management in fishery production.
     The results and conclusions elicited from this study have vital significance for exploitation, utilization, protection, administration, and sustainable development of Chinese marine bioresources. There will be more use for reference of scientific decisions involving marine economy administration as well as for sustainable progress of Chinese marine bioresources, environment, economy, and society.
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